My Open Letter To General Dunford - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

in #law7 years ago

January 21st, 2018

Brent Everett Russ
3016 W 17th Ave
Spokane, WA 99224

General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.
Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20318-9999

Dear General Dunford:

I am writing you today in the hopes that you would bring a critical matter before the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As you read this, a well organized, well armed, criminal terrorist conspiracy is violating the rights of American citizens on a mass scale in direct violation of US law.

While this notion may sound completely outlandish on its face, I beg a moment of your time to factually state my case and make a prayer to you for relief.


Under US law, no court may adjudicate a dispute between parties without lawful standing. The Supreme Court, upon interpreting the 'Case or Controversy Clause' of the US Constitution (Article III, Section 2, Clause 2), allows only the adjudication of claims where: (1) the plaintiff has actually and personally suffered injury or harm "in fact", (2) the injury or harm suffered by the plaintiff is fairly traceable to the defendant's actions and (3) the injury or harm would be capable of redress by the court.

The Supreme Court further clarified in ​POE v. ULLMAN​ (1961) that: ​“The Court has found unfit for adjudication any cause that “is not in any real sense adversary,” that “does not assume the ‘honest and actual antagonistic assertion of rights’ to be adjudicated -- a safeguard essential to the integrity of the judicial process, and one which we have held to be indispensable to adjudication of constitutional questions by this Court.”

This legal standard, put in place by the Constitution and clarified by the Supreme Court, limits the courts in this country to adjudicating ONLY CASES OF CONTROVERSY. The plaintiff is required by law to bring before the court prima facie evidence that shows there was injury or harm, that the defendant’s actions are fairly traceable, and that the court is capable of redress. Without this evidence, there is no legally valid cause of action and no court in this country has jurisdiction to handle the dispute. Every single lawyer and judge in this country completely understands this. It is the law.


Right now in America, however, millions of people have been arrested and imprisoned by organized and well armed law enforcement agencies without a legally valid cause of action. Without a victim, there is no crime and, by law, our courts have no jurisdiction to adjudicate the case let alone order any redress. In the majority of cases, these officers have absolutely zero evidence​ of harm or injury, let alone any evidence the defendant’s actions were responsible for such. This is in direct violation of the law.

Local, State, and Federal prosecutors are bringing cases against these innocent people without presenting the court with ​any evidence whatsoever​ that the defendant caused a loss or injury to anyone else, again in complete violation of the law and in violation of the defendant’s natural rights protected by the Constitution.
Local, State, and Federal judges have an obligation to uphold the law and demand that the party bringing the claim presents that evidence and shows a valid cause of action. But, these judges are actively colluding with the prosecuting attorneys by not dismissing the cases brought before them with no evidence. These judges know the law full well, they know they don’t have jurisdiction to adjudicate these disputes, but instead they work ‘hand in hand’ with the prosecutors to violate the rights of American citizens, destroy people’s lives, and lock millions of people away in their billion dollar industry.

To lie their way around the law, prosecuting attorneys are claiming that the defendant violated the terms of written instruments called “codes”. These prosecutors are making the argument that these ​written instruments​ apply to the defendant just because the defendant was physically in a geographic area. This may be true in some cases, but the prosecutors are refusing to present the court with ​any evidence whatsoever​ that this is actually the case. The law clearly states this evidence MUST be presented or the prosecutor’s argument violates the rules of the court. As the 7th Circuit Court clarified in ​USA v. DE ROBERTIS​: ​“By going outside the evidence, the prosecutor “violated a fundamental rule, known to every lawyer, that argument is limited to the facts in evidence.”

Not only are the prosecutors at the Federal, State, and Local level arguing without evidence in clear defiance of the rules of the courts, the law also clearly states that this evidence MUST be turned over to the defendant. The Supreme Court laid down the law upon creating the Brady Rule by stating ​“The Prosecution has a ​constitutional duty to disclose​”​ this evidence.

On top of the flagrant prosecutorial misconduct; Federal, State, and local judges are accepting the prosecutor’s argument that ‘the defendant is subject to the terms of those written instruments’ without holding the prosecution to their burden of proof as required by law. The burden of proof is set in stone, there must be prima facie (on its face) evidence ​presented​ which shows that these laws applied to the defendant for the sole reason that the defendant was physically in that geographic area. Instead of ordering the prosecutors to submit that evidence or dismissing the case for a lack of lawful standing, the judges are criminally conspiring with the prosecutors and directly violating the rights of American citizens in flagrant violation of US law.

The defense attorneys at the Federal, State, and Local level are in on this conspiracy as well. I’ve asked many of them why they do not take any action to motion the court to order the prosecution to submit the evidence and comply with the law. I’ve asked why they don’t motion the court to dismiss the case if there is no actual controversy and the court has no lawful jurisdiction. I’ve been told that there’s basically a “gentlemen’s agreement” between the attorneys and judges that this issue will not be brought up and if it is, it will be immediately quashed.

Because of this illegal criminal conspiracy, the US now houses over two million prisoners and has millions more on probation or correctional supervision - more than any other country in the world. This is a billion dollar industry. It’s estimated that half of these people have not caused harm or injury to anyone else, yet they and their families bear the burden of this illegal conduct.


The law clearly defines terrorism under 28 C.F.R. Section 0.85 as: ​“The ​unlawful use of force and violence​ ​against persons​ or property ​to intimidate​ or coerce a government, ​the civilian population​, or any segment thereof, ​in furtherance of political or social objectives.

It is ​unlawful​ for law enforcement agents, anywhere in the US, to ​use force and violence​ ​against persons​, seize their ​property​, and imprison them without a valid cause of action as clearly defined by law above.

The codes that do not protect the natural rights of American citizens are simply ​written instruments​ containing the ​political and social objectives​ of those in government power.

Therefore, any officer of any government agency in the US who ​uses force and violence against persons unlawfully​ (without a valid cause of action) ​to intimidate the civilian population​ of the United States ​in furtherance of the political and social objectives​ (codes) of those in government power, precisely fits the definition of “TERRORIST” as defined by the law. It also means that any system which perpetrates such action against peaceful people is by its very nature “TERRORISM”.


I have exhausted all options of peaceful resolution at my disposal. I have contacted hundreds of law enforcement officers, judges, and attorneys asking why the law is clearly being violated. I received no response, save the response from Federal District Judge Thomas O. Rice, who sent a team of well armed US Marshals and FBI agents to bust into my house and seize my property as a clear act of violent intimidation.

It is plainly evident that the terrorists (Law Enforcement Officers, Judges, Lawyers) involved in this attack on American citizens ​can not stop now. They can’t come out now and say, ​“Whoops, we were kidnapping people, stealing their property, and locking them in cages this whole time in direct violation of the law.”​ They would all be held ​personally liable if they did come out now and say that. It is also plainly evident that this is big business for them, and when it comes to lawyers, it's all about ‘getting them shekels’ as we all know.

While under the Posse Comitatus Act the US Military may not take any action to enforce domestic policies within the United States, and the US Military may not enforce law against the citizenry; the US Military CAN lawfully engage well armed and organized terrorist organizations operating on US soil in order to protect the citizenry.

In light of our current circumstances and the lack of peaceful resolutions available, I am calling on the Joint Chiefs of Staff to evaluate the evidence I have submitted and deliberate this matter.

I pray that if you find a ‘valid cause of action’, based on this evidence, to deploy the US Military immediately and arrest all people involved in this conspiracy. I ask that you try these terrorists before a military tribunal and upon conviction, incarcerate them in military prisons or execute them.

I also pray that you mount assaults on all prison facilities in the US and liberate persons who were locked up without any evidence being presented that they caused harm or loss to a victim.


Only by removing these terrorists from the homeland can we replace them with personnel who WILL uphold our laws. Your action would also send a clear message to the officers, judges, and attorneys who replace these felons: ​The US Military will not stand by when well organized and well armed domestic terrorists use unlawful force and violence on American citizens in furtherance of the political and social objectives of those in government control.

I know I have given you a lot to think about, but I believe your consideration is vital to the security and prosperity of this country. I believe it is also vital to restore the freedoms we all used to​ have.

If you are skeptical and take my claims with a huge grain of salt, I completely understand. In response, I’ll leave a list of questions for you below to forward to any prosecuting attorney, judge, or law enforcement officer you see fit to question in this matter. I am confident they will confirm exactly what I’m saying when they refuse to answer you, just as they refuse to answer me and many others who are asking these questions. Their silence will be deafening.

You all swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and the principles this country were founded upon. You swore an oath to protect the citizens of this nation. I am calling you out on those oaths right now. You can either make those oaths acts of perjury and stand with the terrorists who are currently attacking American citizens; or you can stand with We The People, the Constitution, and the rule of law. I pray you choose the latter.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



  1. Under US law, is a “valid cause of action” required for any court to adjudicate a dispute between parties?
  2. When you arrest someone and initiate court action against them for simply possessing an object and there is no prima facie evidence that there is a victim or that there was a loss or injury, do you have a ‘valid cause of action’ as clearly defined by US law?
  3. If there is no valid cause of action, do you have any prima facie evidence that proves the defendant was subject to those codes for the sole reason that they were physically in the geographical territory at the time?
  4. If you make an arrest and you do not have a valid cause of action under the law, and you don’t have any evidence whatsoever that the laws applied to the defendant; is this arrest in direct violation of the law?
  5. If someone is captured at gun-point, their property stolen, and they are forcibly locked in a cage without a valid cause of action as defined precisely by US law - does that action constitute 1st degree kidnapping, theft, and false imprisonment as defined by US law?
  6. Is the definition of “Terrorism” under 28 C.F.R. 0.85 correct: ​“The unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”
  7. Is it unlawful under US law for every single person in this country to invoke the power of the court, or initiate force and violence against others, without a valid cause of action?
  8. Do you, or your organization, initiate force and violence against people, without a valid
    cause of action, in the furtherance of the political or social objectives (codes) of those in
    government power?
  9. If you swore an oath to uphold and defend the law and then you break the law as cited
    above; does that make your oath an act of perjury?
  10. If you recognize that certain conduct is unlawful per US law and you continue that
    conduct without repentance and deprive your victims of justice - would this make you an
    unrepentant lying terrorist per the definitions cited above?
  11. Is ignorance of the law a valid excuse?

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