FBI Response....If You Can Call It That

in #law5 years ago

If you may recall my letter to the FBI back in January of this year asking them to honestly answer some questions so I could pick up my property in their possession - Here is their deflection:

FBI Response 1.jpg

FBI Response 2.jpg

Now, if you pay certain attention to the timeline here - you can see quite a gap between my request for honest answers to honest questions, and the FBI's dishonest deflection. Honest people would have just honestly answered my straight-forward questions - but sociopaths don't give a fuck about being honest, nor do they feel any shame or remorse. That's who these pieces of shit are as people, and why all of us normal people should immediately shun them from our lives.

My honest questions went over my resident agency's supervising agent's (Supervisory Special Faggot Parker) head to his boss, 'Special Kiddy-Porn Trafficking Faggot in Charge' Raymond Duda. Obviously, there was enough time for an investigation, and obviously they don't want to answer those questions because what they found would implicate their weirdo pervert buddies.

This is an open and shut case. It's not a "one or two bad apples" kind of case here - it is a solid conviction for every single piece of shit in the FBI. They are all ethically corrupt, morally bankrupt, and pathologically dishonest.

On the plus side - there is a nice dark spot in the Abyss waiting for each and every one of these sickos. They just guaranteed themselves a spot. Every. Single. Agent. And, every single US Attorney. And, every single Federal Judge. As I've documented - they all endorse this level of dishonesty and corrupt behavior.