I see where you are coming from and also dislike organized religions but I separate that from the religion of individuals. Much of the western values and freedoms are for the most part derived from the 10 commandments, in my opinion you throw out the baby with the bath water with religion ^_^ But that is subjective, and everyone needs to make up their own mind on this.
I am for full freedom of religion.
In my view the government should not have the right to tell their citizens what religion to practice or how to practice it, weather that be a theocracy trying to impose their religion on people or a secular dictatorship that prevents people from practicing their religion (as long as they do not harm the person or property of anyone else, and we already have laws for that).
The whole immigration chaos is made to take the rights of all of the citizens, but they will start with the immigrants. Everything that is being done ''against islam'' will be transfered onto the general popuplation. You could just as easily become branded as the ''extremist'' tomorrow.
I agree with you on Merkle, she is doing a very good job at selling the agenda to the German populace, with very few opposition. Germans are sound asleep, the French are complaining but have no clue what the problems are and who is responsible, and the US opposition has for the most part been fooled into thinking that the orange clown is an outsider and anti-establishment.
What they are doing is that they are destroying the culture of the immigrants and of the natives simultaneously, to replace it with their own.
As I said I grew up in France in a high muslim concentration neighbourhood. In my school there must have been like 50% muslims. There were never any problems with someone trying to impose sharia law on anyone, the problems were with crime, drugs, school dropouts and unemployement. In France they have already domesticated Christiannity, now they are doing the same with islam. Communism can not have a religious population, because these people believe in a higher authority that is above government.The left there is pro immigration and anti-islam at the same time, no one is ignoring the problems of islam on the contrary, that is all that you hear about on the news, constantly exarcerbating the tensions between the communities, divide and conquer.
Whatever your opinion on islam I think we just need to protect the individual rights of everyone, if you had the right to bear arms most problems with violent crime would decrease. In France you have to commit like 25 crimes before you go to jail, that is also a major part of the problem.
The impacts of islam that I have seen on that society was like muslim practitionners intervening when some other so-called ''muslim'' was commiting a crime.
Concerning diversity I believe people should make their own choices, which would result in some areas being multicural and others much more unicultural and traditional. I am against forcing people together like they are doing here in Germany placing refugees in small villages with like 100 inhabitants where the people do not want the refugees. On the other hand I would also be against someone banning people who would voluntarely want to live together from doing so.
I could write pages more. I will let you know when I have made steemit posts on these subjects where I can go more in depth and would be delighted to hear your opinion.
I thoroughly disagree on the left being against Islam. Media corporations keep defending it and actively promote it all the time. And I'm for freedom of religion too, but someone being a follower of Islam is a high predictor of them committing crime.
And they're not domesticating Islam at all. In the past, whenever a christian would do something awful, everyone would condemn it and attack their ideas immediately, for good reason. But today, whenever a muslim does something awful, the cry about "islamophobia", and pray for the victims. Some countries actually bad descriptions of the perpetrators so they don't seem racist or some shit. Well, fuck that!
Of course, I don't think all muslims are evil, but again, being muslim is a good predictor of them being so. If they just believe in some god on the sky, I don't give a shit. But when over 80% or terrorist attacks are done in the name of Islam, when most crime in western countries is dome by muslims who were just let in without any screening, there is a problem with that ideology.
In the UK there are sharia patrols in muslim majority areas, fgm practice has increased tremendously since the borders were opened, acid attacks too... all of these are hallmarks of muslim communities. Now I'm sure alot of them oppose this as well, but they need to speak up. But when they do, they're attacked and called traitors to their religion, similar to how black people that didn't vote for Hillary in the US are uncle Toms and coons.
Also, as much as Trump is not the man I'd wish, he does represent a wake up call against this bullshit. I don't agree with alot of stuff he stands for, but would gladly vote for him rather than that cunt.
This is all due to the idea of "political correctness", being disguised as politeness. It's just communism posing as it, and being used to beat people into submission. And I will oppose it with all my might. And you can call me an extremist, racist, sexist, ilamophobe bla-bla... Well, if keeping my freedom means I'm all that, then sure. Though it's all bullshit. People are people, and I'll treat them as such, and I'll attack their shitty ideas regardless of whether it's politically correct or not.
PS: Western values are not based on the ten commandments. Those commandments are not a product of christianity, but are a variant of the golden rule, which was implemented in every society ever. Wherever humans gather, the golden rule takes shape. And that rule is "don't do unto others what you don't want done to yourself".