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RE: The Taxi company Drivr/Uber shows interest in using LasseCash in their APP

in #lassecash3 months ago

Looks like this now:

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

Images were hidden due to low ratings.

No one is going to use your shit coin. At least be honest with yourself. Feel free to lie to everyone else.

If anyone did use it they would have to be dumber than you and that's a challenge.


Am I invited to roast marshmellows after you set that car on fire because a customer paid with Bitcoin instead of your LasseCash shitcoin?

I love how the big text says, "Also available on the Uber app," while the smaller text reads, "Coming soon." It's contradicting itself like a flat Earther.

At least, eventually, "Coming soon" will turn into "Now available" for Drivr. Meanwhile, LasseCash using VSC or being accepted by Drivr will never become a reality.
