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RE: Lantana - ecstacy to some, agony to others.

in #lantana7 years ago

Caring for Lantana Plants While newly planted lantanas require frequent watering, once established, these plants require little maintenance and are even tolerant of somewhat dry conditions. In fact, a good soaking about once a week should keep them relatively happy. Although it isn’t required, lantana plants can be given a light dose of fertilizer each spring, but too much may inhibit their overall flowering. To encourage reblooming, cut the tips (deadhead) periodically.

Overgrown plants can be given new life by cutting back a third of their growth. They will bounce back quickly. Regular pruning of the plant usually takes place in spring.

Common Problems with Growing Lantanas While lantanas are not affected by too many problems, you may encounter them on occasion. Powdery mildew can become a problem if the plant is not given enough light. In addition, the plant may develop root rot if it is kept too wet. Sooty mold is a condition that causes black discoloration on the leaves and is most often attributed to insect pests, such as whiteflies. Other common pests that affect lantana plants include lace bugs, which cause the foliage to turn gray or brown and then drop off.