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RE: Lantana - ecstacy to some, agony to others.

in #lantana6 years ago

Lantana camara is a nice looking plant.Lantana camara, also known as big-sage (Malaysia), wild-sage, red-sage, white-sage in(Caribbean) and tickberry in (South Africa).dba4f70fc0904fb28edcba50d2776929--flowers-in-bloom-lantana-flowers-in-pots.jpg
Lantana camara, often planted to embellish gardens, has spread from its native Central and South America to around 50 different countries.Lantana camara will often outcompete other more desirable species, leading to a reduction in biodiversity. It can also cause problems if it invades agricultural areas as a result of its toxicity to livestock as well as its ability to form dense thickets which if left unchecked can greatly reduce the productivity of farm land.images.jpgIt attract different kinds of birds and insects.
Toxicity:Lantana camara is known to be toxic to livestock such as cattle, sheep, horses, dogs and goats.
Biological:Insects and other biocontrol agents have been implemented with varying degrees of success in an attempt to control L. camara. It was the first weed ever subjected to biological control, however none of the programs have been successful despite 36 control agents being used across 33 regions.
Chemical:Using herbicides to manage L. camara is very effective but also expensive.
Uses:Lantana camara stalks have been used in the construction of furniture, such as chairs and tables; however, the main uses have historically been medicinal and ornamental.
Its a very useful plant.
That's what i thought you will like.Information found from-