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RE: Lantana - ecstacy to some, agony to others.

in #lantana6 years ago

Lantana is a Weed of National Significance. It is regarded as one of the worst weeds in Australia because of its invasiveness, potential for spread, and economic and environmental impacts.



Lantana is a serious threat to biodiversity in several World Heritage-listed areas including the Wet Tropics of northern Queensland, Fraser Island and the Greater Blue Mountains. Numerous plant and animal species of conservation significance are threatened. It is listed as the most significant environmental weed by the South-East Queensland Environmental Weeds Management Group.



There are two main forms of lantana in Australia: a cultivated form planted in gardens and a weedy variety found in bushland and pastures.Butterflies, bees and other insects are attracted by the nectar and pollinate lantana flowers. About half of the flowers produce seeds, typically 1–20 seeds on each flower head.


Lantana occurs naturally in Mexico, the Caribbean and tropical and subtropical Central and South America. It is considered a weed in nearly 50 countries.
