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RE: Lantana - ecstacy to some, agony to others.

in #lantana6 years ago



Lantana is a beautiful wild plant that evoke the memories of wild tropical field, it grows in almost all tropical and subtropical parts of South America, Africa, Australia, North America and South East Asia. In most of the tropical countries it is an invasive plant and considered as weed. Still, it is grown for its colorful flowers that release seductive fragrance, more intense in the evening. Fragrance of lantana depends on the variety you are growing, hybrid varieties are more fruity and mildly scented. Lantana flowers also attract bees, butterflies and nectar feeding birds.


Lantana Montevidensis is native to South America, and is characterized by white, purple or lavender colored scented flowers. If given support it can grow as a climbing vine and without support as groundcover.
It can be grown in pots with other upright growing plants on which it can climb or in hanging basket for dangling effect.
