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RE: Why Language Matters; Control Language and You'll Control the World

in #language7 years ago

Love how you vote for every single one of your own posts.

And didn't give anything to the guy who brought up the subject.

LOL. I voted up two of my own comments, and no I didn't upvote his post because I massively disagree with it and think it is propaganda. If you look back you'll see I have upvoted other posts of his.

Pretty much tells me everything I need to know about you. Notice how the guy you are debating isn't doing that?

I really wouldn't care if he did. Upvotes are worth cash. I've had good debates with plenty of people who upvoted their own comments.

Progressives are always self dealing while they scream about how unfair everyone else is. Never changes.

LOL. As if you needed to reveal you were biased. Stop reading all the propaganda about progressives and maybe realize they are people too.


They are people, indeed - and deserve all the help they can get- to try to return them to good mental health..

A sane man would argue ideas and positions, not try to discredit groups with slander.

Why would you argue with the mentally ill?

Here is a question for you....

It can be a one word answer.( As a rule of thumb, the longer the answer, the extreme the mental illness.)

Do you believe theft is morally justifiable ?

And herein, lies the whole rotten foundation of the left.

I like how you assumed my answer.

And claim to be the sane one while also claiming 51% of the country is mentally ill because they disagree with you.

You seem to conflate percentages with validity of argument.

If the world disagreed with newton about gravity (leaving Einsteins theory out of it), it would make him less correct, some how?

Or is relativism a 'thing'?

Anyway- do you believe theft is morally acceptable?

You think mental illness is slander?

How bizarre. I mean it as a real definition - my question to you, will help clarify...

Calling 51% of the people in a country mentally ill because they disagree with you is absolutely slander.