There's also some seriously good French work done on that front, this site blew my mind when I came across it two weeks ago. It is very thorough and interactive while offering everything under the sun any French speaker would want to know about Steemit. I hope the rest of the French community will equally enjoy!
Here's the link:
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
Comprendre Steem est une bible !Merci @eric-boucher
C'est mon plaisir! Tous pour un et un pour tous!!! Namasté :)
Fantastic, thanks Eric! We're working on a similar forum for tutorials as well. We'll take some pointers from this one ;)
Awesome! I'm glad it can help. As you might have noticed, I'm one of your biggest fans out there in this Steemit world!
Namaste :)