
Morning @molometer

Are you on Discord and are you any good with markdown?

I've been trying to do a particular post for weeks and can't get it to work. It's such a massive waste of time!!!!!

There is a markdown guide link when you are creating your posts. What is it that you need to know?

I don't use discord that often. @gillianpearce

Surely these people must just be winding everyone up!

It's hilarious. 😂

I have the same question as Holly. If the earth is flat why has no-one fallen off it?!

It's shocking that this ended up getting on mainstream tv!

Three examples of humans less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for their age.

Either very foolish or just plain stupid.

These people are the reason for the need for health and safety laws. They are just dumb as f*@k

I thought too that it was a wind up?

I actually enjoyed it @molometer. It was fun watching the presenters having to keep a calm front.

These are probably also the people who ignore health and safety laws! 😂

Haha you are probably right. Stupid is as stupid does.
Love this quote from @momzillanc

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” ~Voltaire