Had construction finish on some lower PP common plots using both older cards on some and newer cards as well. The difference between the older cards is quite a lot and the new CL cards may seem cheaper but when you account for the required DEC lockup and the opportunity cost of say 70% in the LP or additional plots etc the CL cards are less attractive. Also the older cards are much more efficient than the CL and newer cards. A Alpha card is requires much less DEC staked leaving that for additional returns and also have cards with higher PP than 10K so if you have multipliers you can really take advantage like RUNI and Legendary plots etc. I have some 10-40K PP cards on my boosted plots to maximize the output on less plots.
This way of doing things is pretty efficent the only problem it causes is for the new channels you can have a large land investment and not have 50 plots, the number of shitty plots should not outweigh the overall quality and value of the other plots which leaves many people who are pretty invested in land out of the relevant discussions which is where all the discussions basically take place now so discord is dead for anything important about those topics unless you meet the 50 plot req and im not paying for 23 new floor plots just to get in the channel. If you own a keep, leg, epic, occupied, magic, runis, totems, titles etc for land but only own a few plots to maximize the boosts then you get punished. You spend thousands and thousands on land and someone who spends 500 or less can get plots and then go talk in the channel. Seems like this one needs a overhaul as the requirement alienates players that have larger investments in land and would be a asset to the channel and gives access to people that may make minimal investment in the assets but did so after the requirements came out and have not already been stretched so thin and are coming into the game now or still have 50 land plots. The other channels like SPS should have other assets like nodes converted to SPS equiv for that purpose of admission to the channels and CP should be lowered to maybe a million CP for the cards room.
The purpose of resetting the chats has been accomplished now dont gate significant asset holders many of which have more in assets than a lot of the ppl in the channels just have higher quality assets for say land and less of them, the SPS can be fixed relatively easily by everyone as 250K isnt much at these prices. The card channel should be viewable by all or adjust the req or almost no new players will get in there based on the CP of old cards being so high. Eventually it will be out of reach unless a ton of money is spent and I don't think gating people without even visuals of the convos when the rest of discord is a ghost town now and likely all in the 3 channels lol.
Is this a way to extract more money from existing players bc the selling point was fix mav chat clear out old users not bone users that still have significant assets and levy a tax on them to be a MAV when they qualified before. Maybe all you should have to do is prove a combined amount of assets to gain access to all three channels at a lower amount so more people with a broader array of assets can get in. I would think this is not hard to code just would need to update criteria im guessing.