Cuando un familiar emigra a otro país(ESP/ENG) When a relative emigrates to another country

in #la3 years ago


Hola buenas tarde colmena , hoy quiero comentarles que decidimos realizar un arepazo para familiares que emigran a Brasil ,todo los preparativo estuvieron bien , pero cuando iba llegando la hora no esperaba que la nostalgia me llegara .Les cuento Mayra se va con sus dos hijos , niños-hombres maravillosos me faltarían palabras para describirlos pero lo intentare amables ,cariñosos ,respetuosos , disciplinados , pero con una calidad humana increíble .Hoy me centrare en Mayra fue compañera inseparable de la infancia y juventud de salidas, bromas y retos , debo reconocer siempre fue mas perseverante que yo.

Hello, good afternoon, beehive, today I want to tell you that we decided to make an arepazo for relatives who emigrate to Brazil, all the preparations were fine, but when the time was coming I did not expect that nostalgia would come to me. Mayra tell you she is leaving with her two children, Wonderful children-men I would lack words to describe them but I will try to be kind, affectionate, respectful, disciplined, but with an incredible human quality. Today I will focus on Mayra, she was an inseparable companion of childhood and youth of outings, jokes and challenges, I must always admit He was more persistent than me.


La adolescencia al lado de ella fue muy buena , contar alguna anécdota ? , tengo muchas pero solo contare dos .Por aquel tiempo en que éramos muchachas era muy raro que alguna de nosotras viajara a Caracas ,y el que lograba tan noble asana se ganaba el respeto de las personas que lo rodeaban , y paso ella tuvo la oportunidad de viajar a Caracas (y yo me quede mas picada ), paso varios días , para mi fue una eternidad , cuando regreso la encontré cambiada hablaba, caminaba ,reía distinto (quizás era la envidia que sentía en aquel momento ) salíamos y todo lo que nombraba era Caracas y mas Caracas ,la ropa no era igual que en Caracas , la comida no era igual que Caracas ,las calles no eran igual que Caracas , hasta que una vez tenia estaba tan llena harta que me voltee y le dije "bueno y si te gusto tanto Caracas por que no te quedaste allá , sácamelo todo es Caracas ,Caracas" solo le puedo decir que mi querida Mayra duro mucho tiempo ante de volver a nombrar Caracas delante de mi.

The adolescence next to her was very good, tell any anecdote? , I have many but I will only count two. At that time when we were girls it was very rare for any of us to travel to Caracas, and the one who achieved such a noble asana earned the respect of the people around him, and step by step she had the opportunity from traveling to Caracas (and I was more stung), I spent several days, for me it was an eternity, when I returned I found her changed, she spoke, walked, laughed differently (perhaps it was the envy she felt at that time) we went out and everything that The name was Caracas and more Caracas, the clothes were not the same as in Caracas, the food was not the same as Caracas, the streets were not the same as Caracas, until once I was so full that I turned around and said "good and If you liked Caracas so much because you didn't stay there, take it out of me, it's Caracas, Caracas "I can only tell you that my dear Mayra lasted a long time before she named Caracas again in front of me.

Aquí va otra por cosas de la vida siempre tenia un poco mas de dinero que ella y me mofaba de tener mas dinero , pero Mayra siempre tan consecuente no le molestaba nada , algunas veces solía pedirme prestado, yo le prestaba el dinero pero como se lo prestaba , le daba un jarabe de lengua y luego le ponía mis condiciones (éramos las mejores amigas jaja ) debía pagarme intereses y muchas veces le confiscaba la cedula para cerciorarme que me pagaría . Hoy muchos recuerdos afloraron a mi memoria y con mucha nostalgia .

The adolescence next to her was very good, tell any anecdote? , I have many but I will only count two. At that time when we were girls it was very rare for any of us to travel to Caracas, and the one who achieved such a noble asana earned the respect of the people around him, and step by step she had the opportunity from traveling to Caracas (and I was more stung), I spent several days, for me it was an eternity, when I returned I found her changed, she spoke, walked, laughed differently (perhaps it was the envy she felt at that time) we went out and everything that The name was Caracas and more Caracas, the clothes were not the same as in Caracas, the food was not the same as Caracas, the streets were not the same as Caracas, until once I was so full that I turned around and said "good and If you liked Caracas so much because you didn't stay there, take it out of me, it's Caracas, Caracas "I can only tell you that my dear Mayra lasted a long time before she named Caracas again in front of me.


No entrare en detalles , pero los adultos tuvieron problemas graves que no nos incluía , pero de los cuales yo me los encargue y como consecuencia me aleje de Mayra y de muchas mas personas y por eso perdí una gran amiga , por ese tiempo fui a la Universidad en Caracas (que ironía ) y luego de graduarme fui a trabajar a Margarita , no recuerdo a Mayra( en mi vida durante muchos años

I will not go into details, but the adults had serious problems that did not include us, but of which I took care of them and as a consequence I moved away from Mayra and many more people and that is why I lost a great friend, around that time I went to the University in Caracas (how ironic) and after graduating I went to work at Margarita, I don't remember Mayra (in my life for many years


Hoy lamento haberme alejado de un ser tan maravilloso con quien compartí tantos momentos lindos en mi niñez -adolescencia .
Me aleje de Mayra por problemas que no eran nuestros , viví amargada por mucho tiempo y doy la gloria Dios por darme la oportunidad de salir de ese mundo de soberbia y rabia en el que viví por mucho tiempo .
Les contare otro capitulo en mi vida con mi compañera de adolescencia Mayra , mi papa enfermo y paso como un mes en la Clínica ,yo casi no iba ,mi hijo estaba pequeño y era difícil dejarlo en casa , mi mama estaba muy nerviosa y era quien me ayudaba , pero en una de esas pocas ocasiones fui , y después de mas de 10 años sin ver a Mayra ella llego a la clínica , como siempre amable ,nos saludamos pero con distancia , estamos solas en ese momento , ella se sentó a mi lado y por cuestión de segundos reino el silencio , pero mi ser tenia tantas ganas de desahogarme todavía quedaba en mi amargura en mi corazón, necesitaba ser libre necesitaba su perdón , y abrí mi corazón y le hable de lo equivocada que había estado al apartarme de ella (cuando en realidad nosotras no éramos culpable de nada ) , lloramos juntas nos tomamos de la manos y le pedí que me perdonara , que perdonara mi soberbia saben sus repuesta no podía ser otra "no hay nada que perdonar" .Fue un momento liberador en mi vida .

Today I regret having moved away from such a wonderful being with whom I shared so many beautiful moments in my childhood-adolescence.
I left Mayra because of problems that were not ours, I lived bitter for a long time and I give God the glory for giving me the opportunity to get out of that world of pride and rage in which I lived for a long time.
I will tell you about another chapter in my life with my teenage partner Mayra, my sick father and I spent about a month in the Clinic, I almost did not go, my son was small and it was difficult to leave him at home, my mother was very nervous and it was who She helped me, but on one of those few occasions I went, and after more than 10 years without seeing Mayra she arrived at the clinic, as always friendly, we greeted each other but with distance, we are alone at that moment, she sat down to me side and for a matter of seconds the silence reigned, but my being had so much desire to vent, I still remained in my bitterness in my heart, I needed to be free, I needed his forgiveness, and I opened my heart and spoke to him about how wrong I had been to separate myself from she (when in reality we were not guilty of anything), we cried together, we held hands and I asked her to forgive me, to forgive my arrogance, they know her response could not be another "there is nothing to forgive". It was a liberating moment. In Myself life

Lamento tanto desviarme del tema, que era cuando un familiar emigra , tenia muchas estadística que contar y muchos motivos para compartir y debatir con ustedes
Hoy les pido que dejen toda raíz de amargura de rencor, dejemos salir todo lo malo que guardamos y busquemos el perdón de las personas que hemos ofendido , no tengamos miedo de admitir que fallamos , que nos equivocamos , pero que también sabemos rectificar de nuestros errores.
Hoy en día doy Gracias a Dios porque me siento libre de todo sentimiento de rencor ,odio y puedo decir que me siento libre y por eso declaro y siento felicidad en mi vida , y disfruto cada momento en familia que Dios me permite compartir , los problemas y dificultades existen pero lo importante es dejarlos fuera y aprender de ellos . Hoy entiendo que muchas cosas , pero no las voy a recordar soy LIBRE
Colmena hasta un próximo encuentro puede que otra ocasión les hable de todo lo que tenia planeado para hoy .

I am so sorry to deviate from the topic, which was when a relative emigrated, I had many statistics to tell and many reasons to share and discuss with you
Today I ask you to leave all roots of bitterness of resentment, let out all the bad that we keep and seek the forgiveness of the people we have offended, let us not be afraid to admit that we failed, that we were wrong, but that we also know how to rectify our mistakes .
Today I thank God because I feel free from all feelings of resentment, hatred and I can say that I feel free and that is why I declare and feel happiness in my life, and I enjoy every moment as a family that God allows me to share, the problems and difficulties exist but the important thing is to leave them out and learn from them. Today I understand that many things, but I will not remember them I am FREE
Hive until a next meeting, maybe another time I will tell you about everything I had planned for today.


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