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RE: Welcome our First Freelance #KushSmokers Author! - Why I left academia to teach people about cannabis - By Emily Earlenbaugh, PhD (My First Steem Article!)

in #kushsmokers7 years ago

Thank you for bringing this up. Industrial hemp is the reason cannabis was made illegal. You can get more oil out a acre of hemp, than a whole lifetime of an oil well.
I was a friend of the late, great Jack Herer. For more interesting facts about industrial hemp read his book , The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Here is a little known fact.
The first cannabis law in the United States was in the 1619. This was in the colony of Jamestown Virginia. The law was that every household MUST grow hemp!!!


Also had to do with the racist Attorney General Harry J. Anslinger who demonized marijuana as an evil drug that would cause POC to attack white women. This created a new class of criminals to feed into the prison-industrial complex where the last bastion of legal slavery still exists.