Kucoin Exchange Oficially anounsed exchange close all services in Japan traders
This is bad News about Crypto because Japan banks will not suport any transaction related bitcoin or crypto currency
this Exchange run our own Coin just like Binance
Kucoin Shares
this is kucoin own coin and this coin already in coinmarket cap
go click link and see https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/kucoin-shares/
Price current $2.09
but highest price $20 +
you also check graph history
The kucoin closing anounsment kucoin oficial blog
you click and see
Are you live in japan you must withdraw any amount exchange close accounts
join this exchange click this link ,,,,, https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=7eJRgc
any question about this Bad news
This is not good for Crypto lovers
yes bro i read some bad news
Nice work bro a Boat comment on my post
sad news for Japanese.Bro i am from MGSC
yes bro welcome our mgsc comunity