“Research . . . has found high levels of air toxic emissions in new motor vehicles for up to six months and longer after they leave the showroom,” states Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). Some of the toxic fumes filling the cabins of new cars include benzene, acetone, ethylbenzene, n-hexane, toluene, and xylene isomers—all of which can be dangerous to humans. Drivers inhaling these chemicals may suffer headaches, drowsiness, confusion, and irritation of eyes, nose, and throat. According to Dr. Steve Brown, head of CSIRO’s air quality control research, “sitting in a car can expose you to levels of toxic emissions many times beyond goals established by Australia’s National Health & Medical Research Council.” To reduce potential hazards, Brown recommends that, as far as possible, new-car owners “should make sure there is plenty of outside air entering the vehicle while they drive, for at least six months after the vehicle has been purchased.” These information is gotten from site