Many of you have probably heard about this plant in the mainstream or somewhere on the internet recently. Though it has been in the United States for well over a decade, it hasn't been very well know up until recent years after the DEA attempted to draw up a bill that would declare Kratom a "Dangerous Synthetic Opiod". We, the people who have done even the smallest bit of research regarding this plant, understand that this is simply not the truth, as well as the "facts" regarding kratom in this bill having been proven to be falsified in order to approve their emergency ban, the DEA has postponed its amendment to have kratom become a schedule 1 substance In the wake of a large public outcry. They are still claiming it has no medicinal value, regardless of the fact that it has been proven to antagonize your Opiod receptors, providing pain relief for mild and chronic cases alike.
Regardless, Kratom is safe for now, and remains legal to purchase, sell and import in over 25 states including but not limited to
(For a full list see sources below)
As for me, I personally use kratom almost everyday instead of my morning cup of coffee, its cheaper, more effective, and helps with issues I have when it comes to social and work anxiety.
I found out about Kratom through one of my best friends who was currently studying Botany, to be honest, he was looking for a legal way to get "High", But ended up discovering something much greater than just another "fix" that would help him pass his monthly UA's over at the local Good-Will.
At first I was very skeptical, I had heard about kratom before (very vaguely, didnt pay much attention when it was brought up), I figured because of the fact that it was legal, it must not work very well, or it was just another hoodoo holistic plant ment to trigger a placebo in depressed people or something. But after my friend (who's testimony regarding kratom I always took with a grain of salt) had informed me it can be purchased online for less than $30 for a good months supply, I figured if it didnt work it wasn't a big deal, whats $30 after all? So I went online and purchased just 1 bag of Red Bali (See sources below). It shipped from within the US so it only took about 3 days to arrive. I spent those three days learning about the plant on youtube, and doing different kinds of research to determine the effects of all the different strains and colors (and believe me there's a lot of em!).
Finally it arrived in the mail! I was actually pretty excited as all the research I had done led me to believe there is something special about this underestimated plant.
I Poured the contents into a glass mason jar, labeled the jar and weighed out my first dose. I used a teaspoon to measure out 7 grams. Down the hatch! It tastes very potent, like crushed leaves mixed with green tea powder, not good at all! I suggest taking it with Orange Juice or making it into a tea to avoid gagging.
But after waiting or about 15 minutes I started to feel very zen, I was in a state of pure relaxation akin to having just received a wonderful full body massage. I put some frankincense on the charcoal burner to really set the mood, curled up with a good book, and fell into a state of nirvana.I wasn't "high" but my anxiety had melted away. Normally there is a slow murmur of paranoia involving my professional life in the background noise of my thoughts, but no longer. I just felt at ease, there was no need to worry anymore. I fell asleep after reading some 30 odd pages of "The three pillars of zen"
and awoke later that evening feeling very well rested. There was no after glow, but there was also no comedown of any kind, no appetite stimulation. Just back to basics.
Ever since that first 7 grams of red bali I have used kratom nearly everyday for the past year, and am trying to become a distributor for the farmers over in Indonesia. Kratom has helped me get over the constant fear of being fired from my typical 9-5 mon-fri job, as well as helping me become more social with my co-workers and our customers. It has vastly improved my happiness as I now feel I have a my drive and motivation back in my life. Kratom has truly been a miracle plant for me and I really hope this article encourages you to at least do a little bit of research on this plant, it can truly change your life, especially if you suffer from chronic pain.
I have written an article before where I go into more detail regarding the individual effects of each color as well as the strain variants. See sources below for information on ordering & safety guidelines regarding Kratom. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I hope you have a great rest of your day!
Feel free to contact me if you are unsure or have any questions, as I myself am also a vendor for this wonderful plant!
I can be reached 24/7 at "" ( I will price match and cut shipping costs)
-Legality Map:
-Strain & Color Guide:
(Or email me at the address listed above, I will price match and cut shipping costs)-Buy Kratom:
-My Previous Kratom Article:
I agree Kratom is a miracle plant if used properly. Not so much into the red vein because gives me a hangover but Maeng Da all day every day is more like it. I work on a farm and Maeng Da Kratom has made physical labor so much easier.
Do you have a live plant? If not you can grow Kratom indoors, the fresh leaves give a good effect and are more pleasant tasting in my opinion.
I agree that maneg da is one of the best, I usuall start my day (9:30) with a full tablespoon of green maeng da and it keeps me going until around 1 or 2. No I do not have a live plant but I have thought about acquiring one and making my own kratom, and to this day i have never tried fresh leaves, but you have peaked my curiosity maybe ill give it a try. Currently I am importing from indonesia.
Having a live plant is also good in the case that Kratom was banned for some lame (of course lame) reason. Once you have a plant you can take cuttings over the years and have many plants! I get it from Indonesia too.
Kratom has saved me from certain death, from abusing several drugs, and alcohol to deal with my pain and mental issues. Kratom gives me what I need to make it through another day.
I am glad yto hear this plant has helped you. I myself suffer from General Anxiety disorder and have schizoid tendencies from time to time. Even just al= little bit of a more sedating vein usually is enough to curb my paranoia and anxiety if im suffering an episode