in #kranion6 years ago


The road to the final stage had reached its most critical and difficult point. A trajectory of one kilometer took Jesus to the Caravel Mountain (Golgotha) where the sentence ordered by Pontius Pilate would be consummated.
"But first we go to an act of mercy and compassion, we know that you will be pierced by the extremities and your pain will scream all over Jerusalem, this is for you Jesus ... take some of this drink, reduce your pain and your agony will be more bearable or perhaps more tolerable. "
It was then that the Nazarene tired, disfigured, full of wounds and almost dehydrated tried a little of that strange and unexpected substance for many. "I will not take it," Jesus said, rejecting her immediately. That drink that was prepared on Calvary was something known by the name of Posca. What did this glass full of goodness contain? Some common liquids such as Water, Wine, Hye and something else ... (Matthew 27:34)
After many years of research it has been found that in the Posca there was an additional ingredient derived from the Opium Poppy (Opium Puppy). This mixture, apparently innocent and charitable, also had the purpose of drugging the crucified while he was on the cross in an upright position.
What would have happened if Jesus ingested that free substance shortly before the placement of the nails? The effect of the Posca would begin to produce hallucinations, his senses would be altered, his words would be distorted and most likely that his communication would begin with certain inconsistencies during the time he was hanging on the cross.
If he exclaimed for example: "Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing ..." those present would respond that he was already under the effects of the Posca and not under the effects of what came out of his giant heart. Jesus took a great and costly decision at the worst moment of his physical agony upon entering the crucifixion without an anesthetic that would surely have lowered the intensity of his pains.
In other words, two thousand years ago Jesus of Nazareth in the ante-room of his worst and most terrible moment told him ... NO TO DRUG.