[Book review] Economics for 99% of people

in #kr8 years ago (edited)

Economics for 99% of people

An economics essay that draws on the disadvantages of decisions based on mathematical rationality and economic judgment.

The author of this book is my friend's social juniors.

Throughout my reading of the book, I was ashamed to realize that I was also stuck in a 1% position.

In order to be in a better position than others, I was also embracing economics for only 1% of the ruling class.

From now on, I thought that I should go for economic action for 99% including myself.

이 책은 친구가 후배가 쓴 책이라며 제게 권해준 책입니다. 

처음에는 그냥 경제학 에세이려니 하는 생각에 몇 줄 읽으려 하였으나 이내 책에 빠지게 되었고

저자인 김재수 교수의 말처럼 기득권 1%가 아닌 99%의 사람들을 위한 경제학에 대해 생각해보게 되었습니다. 

그리고 책을 다 읽고나서 나는 과연 상위 1%가 아닌 99%였음에도 불구하고 

왜 1%의 경제학에서 서서 사고하고 행동하게 되었나라고 생각해보게 되었고 제 행동이 부끄러웠습니다. 

간단한 리뷰로 여러분들에게 이 책의 내용을 설명할 수 없겠지만 왜 대부분의 사람들은 99%이면서 1% 처럼 생각하고 행동하고 있나 그리고 어렵게 공부한 경제학자의 눈으로 본 1%의 생각에 대해 생각해 볼 수 있도록 꼭 한 번 일독을 권해드립니다. 


Would you recommend?

Thank you for your recommend.

Unfortunately I cannot read the text, but what I'll say about economics for ANY income percentile ...we're all better off in the long run just being free enough to innovate, take risks, own our lives, and the output of all our efforts.

The last century has seen some confused versions of economics supposedly to benefit some demographic or another that strip human beings of control of their own lives--supposedly for their own material benefit...these ideas have caused immense harm and need to go away.

There's no economics for the 99% or the 1%, there's just economics for human beings, which comes through peace, tolerance, and freedom.

I think you sent me a very good view.
However, I am sorry that my English ability is not good.
So I may not understand everything you wrote.
But there is a lot of sympathy for your words, 'There's no economics for the 99% or the 1%, there's just economics for human beings, which comes through peace, tolerance, and freedom."
I also think that all scholarship, including economics, should be used for humanity.
A few people do not use economics to accumulate their wealth.

It's awesome that we have platforms like Steemit where people from around the world can exchange ideas and get to know one another better.

Yes! I agree your reply! :D

this?@sochulnim, is the same as

1% of the ruling class

would want to belong there and drag the whole world in it :)
I thought there's 4% of them these days

Dear englishtchrivy, Thank you.
However, it is not the book that I read. ^^
I think that it is similar to the contents of the book which I read in my thought.

The book I read is that economics is not used for business or a small number of rich people,
it will be helpful to most people.

@sochul nim, I see, thank you for clarifying.

m _ _ m

Englishtchrivy Do you know what this sign means?
The old Koreans had a bow when they were grateful.
This sign is meant to be appreciated.
Both 'm' hands have '_' hands and two eyes are looking down.
The conclusion is that you are thankful.

sometimes I wish we have the emoticons in Kakao Story here, too
pretty easy to do :)
@sochul nim, yes, aware of that :) anyway, @sochul nim, it's good that it's sunny again isn't it?