@StellaBelle... Impressive, Intelligent & Insightful Post... REALLY liked the Heads-Up InSight You provided below:
It is a big movement of interconnected technological parts, not isolated cogs to try and restrain. Doing so will just result in more people avoiding traveling to the United States. This could definitely further harm economic growth in the United States as digital currency is undergoing some serious expansion in certain parts of the world.
The future of money is linked to cryptocurrencies and digital life and Korea knows it.
Thank You Stella...ReSteemed... Hope You're having a Good Weekend !!
yeah, pretty good after yesterday's panic. Thanks for liking my article! I was panicked because i read that dumb Senate bill that was introduced.....the only thing that bill will do is scare away people from the USA....I'm so disappointed by our government. They seem quite idiotic. I do speak Japanese, so........honestly, Asia is looking pretty good right now.
You are Most Welcomed...
Global Leadership has followed a Westward progression for centuries (and longer)...it has to do with Our Sun ( and the transmission/transcendence of Light ).
Time, as we currently "comprehend/perceive" it, is ever quickening...
Look 4 India within the next 1-3 years to become a much more dominate Global Leader.
Please consider taking a quick "listen" to my most recent video post & not just because it speaks about LiteCoin, BUT perhaps more importantly it "speaks" about the potential market disruption that could be caused around Aug. 1st with BitCoin issues...
I believe this video is exceptionally balanced, insightful and well founded.
Thanks Again Stella 4 Your Post !!
Stella you have encouraged me to actually put myself out here and LICE my dreams and ITS HAPPENNG ITS HAPENENG and tank u so much for being anearly supporter , i just went and upvoted all ur recent posts since i havent seen u n a while! But the local OKC steemit meetup u just wentto and im guessing orgaized is a SIGN of our success and UNSTPPABL force! I know u might be kidding about moving to Japan but Stella dont give up on North America! Murka will bow to the will of the Crypto Lords! We have ALWAYS respected those with the most money here! Not just bankers but Industrialists and people who run profitable companies, and Crypto currency represents the currency of the future online business! And so since America is destined to remain an internet capital of the world for many centuries, this small bump in the road in teh form of that senate bill will be something we laugh at in the future! ! That senate bill was created by moron senators, it will never go aywhere and noone will be enforcing any laws against crypto! they cant even stoop drugs coming into the country, do you think theyll be able to control crypto currency? haha i know u know they wont ...i just have to remid everyone to realize the governent just likes to make itself LOOK powerful, an puts out this ILLUSIOn that it will somehow "reign in" crypto currencies hahah they are pathetic!
And all you have to do when you come in to the country when they ask you to "declare" bitcoins, is just make sure your phone doesnt have any walllet apps! thats it!
A private key for a wallet can still be stored on a phne, that doesnt "count" as a bitcoin, hah, plus you can always memorize a brain key if it ever gets extreme
but yeah i know what u mean how it scares people away, but we are strong here in the US, the rest of the world and deve;;oping world needs this money, and honestly the more for us!
We will be like crypto lords of the maner, in our armored redouts and underground bunkers, neofuedal in a way, blockchain neofuedlaism, but we will be good dictators, i promise!

uh oh, is steemit just super high tech fuedalism? LOL I still support it now that im working my way up to a fuedal lord, I mean Dolphin,
I will be more surprise if North Korea did this.
Please follow me @Yehey
Hope You're having a Good Weekend !!