안녕하세요. Pair Play 입니다.
Pair Play 는 보팅과 댓글로 참여하고, 딜러를 이기면 보상받는 게임입니다. 풀보팅의 기회를 잡으세요!
게임 시간: 2018-05-16 15:00:00 ~ 2018-05-16 17:20:00 (KST)
Pair Play 시작합니다!
딜러의 첫 번째 카드
게임 방법
- 해당 포스팅에 보팅합니다.
- '@username Joined the game.' 라는 댓글을 기다립니다.
- 카드를 확인하고 포스팅 댓글로 /change 또는 /hold 명령어를 남깁니다. 포스팅 댓글이 아니면 명령어를 인지할 수 없습니다.
- 두 명령어 중 하나를 꼭! 사용해야 게임에 참여가 됩니다.
- 명령어는 단 한 번 사용할 수 있습니다.
- 보상으로 명령어를 사용한 댓글에 보팅합니다.
- 상세규칙은 pairplay 게임 정보 업데이트 참조
- 현재 100% 보팅 금액: 9.074 ($)
- 게임의 승자들에게는 모두 9.074 * 2.25 (225%) = 20.418 ($)의 보팅을 상금으로 나누어 줍니다.
- 유저당 상금은 보팅률 100%를 최대로 하며, 초과되는 보팅 비율에 대해서는 보상받을 수 없습니다.
- pairplay의 100% 보팅 금액보다 더 많은 보팅을 하게 되면 손해입니다. :)
- 중간에 Remove Vote 를 하게 되면 참가하지 않은 것으로 간주합니다.
Top 10 out of 53 participants
@garywood-c Joined the game.
@khaiyoui Joined the game.
@wabangcute Joined the game.
@ohnanana Joined the game.
@yirgacheffe2shot Joined the game.
@leesak Joined the game.
@chungjh Joined the game.
@banjjakism Joined the game.
@dayul Joined the game.
@gimmi0 Joined the game.
@smigol Joined the game.
@ayogom Joined the game.
@bji1203 Joined the game.
@clarkgold Joined the game.
@mijang0260 Joined the game.
@toporo Joined the game.
@tradingideas Joined the game.
@todaydaeun Joined the game.
@haedale Joined the game. @leeki7801 Joined the game. @jewel-lover Joined the game.
@sunstrip Joined the game.
@twinpapa Joined the game.
@overwhelmingpw Joined the game.
@blackcow Joined the game.
@gsl421 Joined the game.
@leebs12 Joined the game.
@springlining Joined the game.
@toytrain Joined the game.
@steematis Joined the game.
@goodnewworld Joined the game.
@girina79 Joined the game.
@jhy2246 Joined the game.
@jerry.van.lee Joined the game.
@peanut131 Joined the game.
@altobit Joined the game.
@rt4u Joined the game.
@iieeiieeii Joined the game.
@sonki999 Joined the game.
@hwantag Joined the game.
@jjukkumi Joined the game.
@feelsogood Joined the game.
@cine Joined the game.
@hayeon2886 Joined the game.
@codingart Joined the game.
@kimmm Joined the game.
@goodhello Joined the game.
@hyokhyok Joined the game.
@illluck Joined the game.
@mathetes Joined the game.
@ys1302 Joined the game.
@fur2002ks Joined the game.
@asinayo Joined the game.
@sampling Joined the game.
@jjjjabe Joined the game.
@overwhelmingpw Held your cards.
You received 0.64 % upvote as a reward From round 2 on 2018.05.16! Congrats!
@garywood-c Changed your cards.
@wabangcute Held your cards.
@khaiyoui Changed your cards.
@ohnanana Changed your cards.
@leesak Changed your cards.
@chungjh Changed your cards.
@yirgacheffe2shot Held your cards.
@dayul Held your cards.
@clarkgold Held your cards.
@smigol Changed your cards.
@banjjakism Held your cards.
@toporo Changed your cards.
@tradingideas Changed your cards.
@haedale Changed your cards.
@todaydaeun Changed your cards.
@jewel-lover Changed your cards.
@gimmi0 Held your cards.
@mijang0260 Held your cards.
@bji1203 Changed your cards.
@leeki7801 Changed your cards.
@twinpapa Changed your cards.
@sunstrip Held your cards.
@blackcow Changed your cards.
@springlining Held your cards.
@leebs12 Changed your cards.
@gsl421 Changed your cards.
@toytrain Changed your cards.
@goodnewworld Held your cards.
@girina79 Held your cards.
@jhy2246 Changed your cards.
@ayogom Changed your cards.
@peanut131 Held your cards.
@jerry.van.lee Changed your cards.
@rt4u Changed your cards.
@sonki999 Changed your cards.
@altobit Changed your cards.
@iieeiieeii Held your cards.
@feelsogood Changed your cards.
@hwantag Changed your cards.
@cine Changed your cards.
총상금이 늘어나는게 성업중이시죠!
@hayeon2886 Changed your cards.
@jjukkumi Changed your cards.
@goodhello Changed your cards.
@kimmm Changed your cards.
@hyokhyok Changed your cards.
@ys1302 Changed your cards.