Bitcoin information provider The coin desk has surpassed 1-bit coin price for the first time in 11 days (local time) at about $3,000 (KRW 338 million won). The Bitcoin traded for $1 in 2011 will be up to 3,000 times a new year.
Habseongeo, Bitcoin, which is a digital unit ' bit ' and ' coin coin ', is an online virtual currency created by the program developer of the nickname Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. It is difficult to change the currency, and the advantage of being able to deal with the Internet address and the QR code at any time and anywhere, as an alternative currency has received attention. The exact price is not fixed, and the price is formed by trading in the market. In addition to the current Bitcoin, more than 700 worldwide virtual currencies are traded, including "This is the Derium" ripple.
Bitcoin prices began to skyrocket in early last month. The Japanese government amended the money payment method to acknowledge the electronic currency as a full payment method. In conjunction with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the price soared to the New York Stock Exchange, while reviewing a bitcoin traded Index Fund (ETF) listed.
Experts are voicing concerns about Bitcoin prices soaring. Because virtual currency is not an invisible intangible asset, it is difficult to value as much as cash, stock, or gold. Brad Betel Zeperiz monetary strategist analyzed "the most important is to be a stable currency that can be used in real life to be regarded as a sustainable investment method beyond the Bitcoin assets."
Source : chosun.com