평창 폐막식
Pyeongchang Closing Ceremony
드디어 끝나네요 그동안 고생한 선수단 자원봉사단 여러분께 감사 격려 용기 희망을 드립시다 고생하셨습니다
It is finally over. We have been suffering from the encouragement of courage and courage to give thanks to the volunteers who have suffered for years
평창 폐막식
Pyeongchang Closing Ceremony
드디어 끝나네요 그동안 고생한 선수단 자원봉사단 여러분께 감사 격려 용기 희망을 드립시다 고생하셨습니다
It is finally over. We have been suffering from the encouragement of courage and courage to give thanks to the volunteers who have suffered for years