[the Greatest Music I thought] - 1
IRON MAIDEN - Hallowed Be Thy Name
source : darksinistar.hubpages.com
I am in a drummer position in my college band, so listen to a plenty of songs, which include musics that we'll do on the stage. Nowadays, I usually listen to music, and see many scores to find new rock music to practice. And I found awesome awesome one. It's killing me.
last song in the 3rd album《The Number of the Beast》of the british metal band Iron Maiden
Hallowed Be Thy Name
I'm sure this one gives you a new step to the field of rock, and awesome, amazing feelings.
Please enjoy and i will keep show you others too!
((i'm sorry i can't post the misic or video too, but if you want, write your email and i'll send you -hallowed be thy name- music file, thank you))
Great song
Metalics regards