I just discovered your page and I have to say, you have all my respect. What style! What detail! What consistency and what great skill. I love the stories in the images too. Keep them coming.
Just curious to know, have you tried out the instagram like version of Steem? I like how you do the breakdowns, but maybe also posting on Steepshot as if instagram would be fun.
We need more content like you! More of you! You have a new fan.
Great variance of form and lighting! Much appreciate for sharing this with us :D
우와 코끼리가 마치 살아움직이는듯 합니다...
어찌 이런 그림을 그리실수가있죠?ㄷㄷ
감사합니다. 연습 많이 했어요
너무너무너무 부러운 재능을 가지고 계시는군요!!
저는 드로잉을 잘 못하는 편이라 대신 컴퓨터로 작업을 하는편이거든요ㅠㅜ
정말 대단하십니다!! ^^#kr-art 르바 미술관에서 보고 왔습니다
감사합니다. 여러분 그림도 멋있습니다.
Damn dude, thats the most freaky elephant ive ever seen.
Looks like World Boss :)
This is really amazing and cool! Love the detailing on the temple's facade and the colours!
Holy frickin wow.
I just discovered your page and I have to say, you have all my respect. What style! What detail! What consistency and what great skill. I love the stories in the images too. Keep them coming.
Just curious to know, have you tried out the instagram like version of Steem? I like how you do the breakdowns, but maybe also posting on Steepshot as if instagram would be fun.
We need more content like you! More of you! You have a new fan.