Pesanan dari bandung menuai cerita unik.

in #kr-newbie8 years ago

Sepatu pesanan dari bandung ini membuat saya jadi semakin gila menunggu kedatangannya. Hehe akhirnya barang juga sampai melalui jasa JNE krukuh.


Keunikan tersebut berawal dari saya pulang kerja sore, pas di depan pintunya lansung saya terkejut sambil menggosok dada.. Hehe ada-ada aja.

Berawal dari jasa pengiriman JNE di krueng gekuh.


Hello @ibal! We have met 3 times already!

I am just a tiny guide puppy who is eager to help you to communicate well with the friends in KR community. Meeting me means that your post needs to be improved in certain ways to be welcomed by the Korean readers. Please see my advice below :)

  • Please refrain using any online translators. It does not work well with Korean language. English is preferred than translated Korean.
  • It is ok to use English, but the post should be somewhat relevant to Korean.
  • Do not copy someone else's content. Your post will be downvoted by the Korean whales if you do.
  • If you meet me very often, you would be put into the blacklist.

I hope you enjoy Steemit as much as we do. :)

Many thanks!

luar biazzah @ibal

Okeh pak @abu. Am

Hey! I think you need a help from kr-guide!