Can you show me the user name of that person? The moment of payment is important:
User A and B have the same investment:
User A receives 0.1 SBD payout
Vote buyer pays 30 SBD for vote.
User B receives 0.2 SBD payout because this 30 SBD is added to his profit.
User A will receive profit from the 30 SBD in next payout (it's added to his tomorrow's payout because he already received today's).
my three-day rental APR was 11.23%
First payout is done after 24 hours. So if you delegated 3 days ago, you got profit for 2 days, but APR is calculated for 3 days (missing one payout). The more days, the more accurate is the APR.
Can you show me the user name of that person? The moment of payment is important:
User A and B have the same investment:
First payout is done after 24 hours. So if you delegated 3 days ago, you got profit for 2 days, but APR is calculated for 3 days (missing one payout). The more days, the more accurate is the APR.