So these Arts have been taken place in Korea, Busan & Korea, Seoul.
Please Enjoy = )
Picture says it all... Criticism is always 24hours there. It is how you look at it.
Stealing is a CRIME
I am BIG you are SMALL!
OK...OK... I am SORRY!!!
Anti-Social MODE first on staircase to Heaven
I am F**Ked Up.
Porno Graphy! Ngek2 He He. Oppurtunity does not come twice. LOL
I'm SEXY and i KNOW it.
Look at her! She can climb so high!
I am officially a CELEB. Post mode.
I know KUNG-FU okay. Come try me...
Incy Bitsy Spidy on the wall. This is how Spiderman's Vision is.
Screwed up again.
There is HOLE on the floor.
Fire in the HOLE!
I don't wanna DIE! Not by a TRAIN!
I am alllllmost there.
A bug's LIFE.
Shaving time.
Strongest MAN challenge!
My Girlfriend Jasephine soon to be PRESIDENT. haha
Judgement DAY.
I GG The Hulk. Strong i AM.
Let's go kick some arseee!
I hope you enjoyed the images!
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