
Kokesh has said that he can not verify the authenticity of the screenshots, and simultaneously that it is “hysteria and lies.”

He’s just blocked my final alt account omg Twitter today.

His “Director of Tech,” @iamthenerd, has basically taken over the smear campaign on me now.

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

If this is how he and his campaign responds to mild criticism, I have no idea how the hell they think he’s going to run for office.

His plan was never to win, but to collect money from naive people who are longing to be free, and desperately want a “great man” to lead them.

Can we say slander?

Ah, the old stand by down vote button

Yeah deny, deflect and denounce. Exactly the words that describes what Grahmn Smith is doing.

And you are? The stank I'm guessing?