Your Project Knowpedia Knowledge-Network Invitation; Your Best Skills in Open-Source!

in #knowpedia6 years ago (edited)

Everyone is an Expert on Something

Contents Table

  1. Project Summary
  2. Every Question Answered
  3. Let’s Get You Started!
  4. Moving Forward
  5. Disclaimer

Project Summary

Knowpedia Platform Summary

Knowpedia is an online open knowledge-network, enabling people worldwide to publish knowledge of any topic in exchange for community upvotes (likes), earning rewards! This platform is multilingual and available everywhere. It is highly reliable, immutable, and fully accepting of your contributions because it’s built on the dependable Steem blockchain with a 100% uptime (as of January 2019). Knowpedia uplifts all people with the ability to share and browse the entire world’s wealth of knowledge.   

Knowpedia Community Summary

Knowpedia is a community sworn to the spread of knowledge, cooperation, and creativity through the highest-quality education and networking technologies. We are grounded in our principles of scholarship, cooperation, and creativity. We use them as a guide in this project and every subproject we do. We encourage using fellow members and our greater community as a support system. 

We foster a culture of constant growth, healthy relationships, and rewarding contribution. Each contributor earns their rewards in their preferred way through their brand and maintains the freedom to conduct their position to best suit their style. In doing so, we develop technologies to further the best knowledge-network possible and retain our brand. Through Knowpedia, opportunity is present, learning is embraced, creativity is desired, communication is respected, boldness is encouraged, and work is self-rewarded.   

Getting Started Summary

Firstly, the simplest way to join the project is to join the project’s official Knowpedia Discord channel with this link: . We have guides and a community willing to help you there. Also, you’re free to join our Telegram channel here:  

Secondly, we encourage you to follow official community-wide hashtags to stay up-to-date on all things Knowpedia on any social media or platform. These hashtags include the following: 

  • #Knowpedia Is our main hashtag for all things Knowpedia.
  • #KnowpediaNews Is our news hashtag for all Knowpedia news & announcements.
  • #KnowpediaHelp Is our help hashtag for all Knowpedia help. 
    • (Discord is the best place to receive immediate help).
  • #KnowpediaKnowledgeIsPower Is our “promote the movement” hashtag to support the Knowpedia knowledge is power movement. 

Always remember the project ONLY uses hashtags on social media and therefore there is NO MAIN Knowpedia account on any platform except Discord & Telegram. Therefore, all Knowpedia related accounts on social media and other platforms are strictly community run. We are very excited to see your support in our growing community.   

Every Question Answered

Whence Knowpedia Came

Our Problem

Knowpedia comes from the realization that current knowledge-sharing platforms are not good enough. They do not and cannot fulfill our day to day educational needs. An excellent educational platform such as Knowpedia needs a well-structured directory for people of all backgrounds to easily find the information they seek. When we need to know something, we must have a common and easy way to browse the collection of knowledge gathered from all of us on one convenient platform. 

We have nearly achieved this with some popular social media platforms, but not one that transcends all cultures, languages, and ideologies. Although, that is because we have before failed to build our platforms together, as a community. With Project Knowpedia, we will build from the ground up a publicly available knowledge-network that outperforms out-of-date knowledge-sharing platforms and social media networks. We will keep all the good and expand far beyond it together. 

Our Goal

Everyone is an expert on something. Academics to everyday people must have a common platform to share their expertise systematically. For this reason, we have created an advanced knowledge classification system and made it the platforms directory. By working together, we will implement all our concepts and ideas into a single platform that is ours. Knowpedia is the needed outlet for you and me to educate ourselves and others easily.   

How Knowpedia Works


Knowpedia is more than just an open project, but a movement formed by our community of skilled and ambitious people across all lands and oceans. We are the sum of our contributors like you including, developers & engineers who build, authors who write, readers who browse, and moderators who moderate. The community also includes our capable designers, researchers, consultants, marketers, and the list goes on. Whatever you have to contribute, can be contributed with & to Knowpedia.  


We combine all of our skills and contribute them to this project we all know will succeed with our totaled support. We use various flexible and reliable technologies to communicate, share our contributions, and grow a stable community project. We operate like a movement, a community, and a great collaborate work.  

Firstly, our community submits their best ideas to our Discord. Then, we discuss and debates these ideas. Designers translate their ideas into concepts & templates. After, our development supervisors turn these concepts into instructions. Next, developers make instructions code in our GitHub repository. Lastly, our users enjoy the platform and give feedback, and the cycle continues. 

An Example

One example is our use of things like hashtags across all social media to share project updates, info, and market our contributions for acceptance into the project. When a designer creates a new graphic, he will first submit it onto his preferred media outlet. There he may obtain sponsorships to reward his contributions and use Knowpedia hashtags to promote it throughout our community. If the community supports it, supervisors add it to the next platform’s update list. Afterward, our developers will review, code, and release their graphic in the next platform’s update.   

Why Knowpedia Works

Our Vision

Imagine if you built a part of the largest social media network in the world. Imagine right now you found the opportunity to contribute your best skills truly. The skills you love to use to a project so much bigger than yourself and receive the independence and credit you deserve. That is what Project Knowpedia offers you. Choose whatever you know you can contribute and Do It! In return, all rewards and fame you receive are forever yours to keep. 

Our Benefit

A major benefit beyond the complete freedom and independence to choose how you add to Knowpedia is the growth to your brand and portfolio. You receive all the credit, rewards, and joy for your contributions. Plus, as the project grows, your brand, skills, and portfolio grow right alongside it.

You determine how your contributions are rewarded. You may choose to publish articles or videos with advertisers & sponsors embedded in them. You may choose to post them to the Steem blockchain where your audience can upvote your content to earn you steem (cryptocurrency). You may choose to receive donations or create a patron page. You could even crowdfund a massive contribution to Knowpedia with Kickstarter or You may use a platform like who rewards open-source contribution just for telling them about it. You may even do all of these or create a whole new rewards stream altogether. The choice is yours. 

An Example

For example, when a designer submits a new graphic to add to the website, the community must approve and praise the submission as quality before engineers upload it to the website, mobile app, etc. The designer receives good publicity and another work in their portfolio. Plus, they keep all rewards and benefits the community gives them. That means 100% retention of your brand, work, and glory. Therefore, congratulations to you.   

Where Knowpedia Works

Our Platform on Steem Blockchain

Knowpedia is hosted on the Steem blockchain. Steem is a blockchain-based rewards platform allowing content creators to earn rewards through up-votes (likes) by posting content. The more up-votes a single post (article, video, photo, live stream, etc.) receives from influential users, the more rewards (steem) the creator and up-voters earn. Steem blockchain includes zero transaction fees and very high scalability. Learn more at 

Our Code on GitHub

Our code is currently hosted on GitHub at . GitHub is a platform allowing open-source (or open-development) projects to receive code contributions from anyone anywhere. Here we continually submit task requests for developers to build new and exciting features at the community's requests. We encourage all talented developers to put their talent to work and fulfill community tasks requests.   

Which Knowpedia Is

Our Open Project

The Knowpedia Project is unique unto itself because it is completely built from the start by its community of users and contributors. The community is solely responsible for the platform’s direction, administration, operation, and production. The benefit is that typically networking platforms (like most today) rely on users to do the content creations, marketing, and most other aspects of its success. Therefore, Knowpedia goes further by enabling the entire community to complete all parts of the project. Meaning, with this project experienced developer’s in the community build the platform based on community suggestions along with fellow project contributors. 

Our Knowledge-Network

Knowpedia is an online platform enabling users to submit highly classified entries among countless others by fellow users and view them in various ordered feeds by popularity, author, time, and more. The networking platform allows users to follow specific, knowledgeable users to stay up to date with their research and a specific subject, academic discipline, and topic. The knowledge-network also enables users to build their portfolio shown on their individual Knowpedia profile to boost their resume and improve their credibility in a specific field. Plus, users can expand their portfolio to a broader audience not reachable by past networking platforms. 

An Example

Knowpedia is like combining a social media network with an online encyclopedia, then making it available to everyone to add new features and updates. Although, it is much better than that. The knowledge-network is building from the start with only the best features of social networks and encyclopedias, then spicing it up with more good features.  

For example, users may follow a famous scientist and stay up-to-date as they make categorized entries over time. If the scientist studies an evolving treatment procedure, they can weekly submit entries under the “Treatment Topic Name” and users may follow the progress week by week. The same users may follow only that scientist entries or follow all entries made by a scientist under that same topic. Therefore, following the progress of any specific topic or just the works of an individual is made as easy as following your favorite celebrity on social networks. Users may do all of this while regularly building their knowledge of one or various subjects, disciplines, and topics.  


Whose Knowpedia Is

Our Community

The Knowpedia community is worldwide. Remember, Project Knowpedia is a movement of skilled like-minded people with the common goal of a better-educated world through our knowledge-network.  

Our Contributors

Knowpedia Is an open project founded, developed, and maintained solely by its skilled community of like-minded supporters. We join from across all societies, nations, and ethnicities to grow our education with a single platform.   

Who Knowpedia Is

Our Backers

We are solely backed by our wonderful backers who contribute their time, effort, and more to make the platform a reality. We are grounded in our community of coders, designers, experts, and more who continually support the project. 

Our Userbase

We are the platform built for content creators. To prove this, we cater to all content types including written, video, statistics, image, audio, diagrams and more. Knowpedia offers an easy way to categorize all your content for you and your audience. Our goal is giving creators an infinity ability to share their best works directly with the world.     

What Knowpedia Is

Our Platform

Knowpedia is an online open knowledge-network, enabling people worldwide to publish knowledge of any topic in exchange for community upvotes (likes), earning rewards! It is available in all languages and usable from anywhere in the world. It’s high reliability, immutability, and accessibility is because it uses blockchain technologies like Steem blockchain. Knowpedia uplifts all people with the ability to share and browse the entire world’s wealth of knowledge. 

Our Technology

We are building using technologies such as NodeJS, VueJS, Quasar Framework, Steem blockchain’s JavaScript API, and more to create the most cutting-edge online network ever. Our project is founded on the Steem blockchain. A few of our primary reasons for choosing Steem is because of its preinstalled social network like features. The blockchain by default allows users to publish content and their audience to reward them with just an upvote (like). Also, three-second confirmations make it one of the fastest blockchains available to-date. Lastly, the community is very supportive of each other making building here a joy. 

Our Groundbreaking ‘Knowpedia Knowledge Classification System [K.K.C.S]’

We are incredibly proud to use and share a true cutting-edge marvel that is the Knowpedia Classification System. Through the K.K.C.S. we can classify all knowledge in an easy to follow directory and tagging system. The K.K.C.S. is a natural classification system making it far superior to any other classification to come before or after it. 

As users submit Knowpedia entries, they may select any book, theme, discipline, subject, topic, etc. with just one click and Knowpedia maps their chosen choice to our systematically accurate directory. We make the selection process simple, but still, allow entries to cover every attribute of a topic. 

When a creator submits a Knowpedia entry, they must only choose four tags. The first tag is selected by default, which is merely the #KnowpediaDirectory tag to map it to the KP platform on Steem blockchain. These four other tags specifically classify their entry amongst an infinite number of possible others. They include the #topic tag, #language tag, #format tag, and the #form tag.  

Topic Tag

Firstly, the user selects their topic tag. The topic tag is the Steem Knowpedia hashtag that directly represents your chosen topic. For example, if you are posting a video entry about the food pizza, then your topic tag is #tp-pizza. If you are posting your entry directly through Knowpedia, the K.K.C.S. automatically enters the full classification tag for you. You only have to select the topic pizza. 

Language Tag

Next, the user must choose their second tag, which is for the language. These include all languages including English, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Italian, German, French, Japanese, Korean, Arabic and so forth.  

Format Tag

The format tag determines the type of knowledge compared to the topic. Examples include a definition, story, its function, location, traits, related people, the related time-period and dates, evidence and cases or examples, etc. We do this to enable readers to browse topic entries by exactly what they are looking for when browsing entries. 

Form Tag

The form tag covers what form the entry is. Using this tag, we allow content creators to tag their content by text, video, images, audio, figures (statistics & numbers), and more. When a user searches for entries about a topic, they can find a video, audio, or whatever form of content that best fits them. The form tag is especially helpful to our sensorial disabled (blind, deaf, etc.) users who may have little use for a particular form of content. 

An Example

For example, if a creator submits a Knowpedia entry about the animal cheetah, it has a very defined classification. When selecting cheetahs, the K.K.C.S. automatically classifies their entry as A2 for Science Book, B6 for Biology, C6 for Zoology, D3 for Mammals, and so on (more to come). Then the user selects their primarily used language in the entry. Next, the user selects their third tag which is the format tag. Lastly, they select the form tag to allow users to browse by videos, audio, articles, etc.. Afterwards, readers may come to Knowpedia and browse for their highly-specific entry.   

When Knowpedia Is

Our Start

Knowpedia begins now! It is a rolling project, meaning contributors are continually adding and growing the platform for generations to come. Knowledge is our everlasting mission, and the platform will steadily evolve with us.  

You are welcome to join the project now by promoting the project using our hashtags on any social media, joining our Discord to join the conversation, submitting code to our GitHub, and so on. Learn more by reviewing our list in the “Let’s Get You Started” section below.  

Our Timeline

Website Official Launch

We hope to fully launch the official website by February 28, 2019, or much sooner. The timeline is entirely dependent upon you, I, and the entire Knowpedia community. Our timely contributions are what makes this project possible. If we receive an immediate wave of support, we will launch the platform in weeks or even days. Again, the project is entirely dependent upon our overall support. 

Mobile App Official Launch

We hope to launch our official IOS & Android mobile app by Jun 31, 2019, or much sooner. As with the website's launch, the mobile app is fully dependent upon our timely contributions.   

Whither Knowpedia Goes

Our Solution

Our solution is simple. We are building a worldwide open knowledge-network for everyone to share their expertise with the world through a completely systematic community platform. 

Our Success

Our success is a process. It’s a flourishing project where you and I easily share our knowledge on an open-source platform built and maintained by us, its users and contributors. We keep our rewards and content as our own, while continually growing our community, local and global.     Let’s Get You Started! 

Let's Get You Started!

Join Our Communication Channels

We use few primary platforms to stay in touch and converse about all things Knowpedia. You are wholeheartedly invited to join our communities and give your input to make the project better. 


Invite Link:  

Discord is currently our primary community app. Here you can speak with fellow community members and contributors, and get to know us better. Also, it is the best place to learn more about the project and give good input to improve all parts of the project. 


Invite Link:  

Telegram is our secondary platform for community members to discuss and share ideas. Feel free to join, ask questions, and learn more about your fellow Knowpedians.   

Knowpedia Needs You 

To join any of these positions, just prove you can do them by doing them, then share it with the community in our Knowpedia Discord channel here: . Congratulations in advance! We’re proud of you. 

Direction Project Positions

Direction project positions are the members focused primarily on project goals. 

Direction Project Consultants

Our consultants are the experts who guide us to set successful project goals.  

  • We need consultants to join our Discord to consult our community members into making good project decisions. 

Direction Project Researchers

Our researchers are the people ensuring we are using sound information before acting and finding the info we need.  

  • We need researchers to join our Discord to research new technologies and gather more information. 

Direction Project Designators

Our designators are the experts designating tasks to the best-fit community members to succeed.  

  • We need more designators to assign community members ongoing assignments as the project grows. 

Direction Project Innovators

Our innovators are the ones taking all the right information and guiding our project to achieve ambitious goals.  

  • We need innovators to use our knowledge to set ambition and achievable project goals.   

Administration Project Positions

Administration project positions are the members focused primarily on project plans. 

Administration Project Advisers

Our advisers are the day to day members advising the community on executing project goals in the most efficiently and effectively way possible.

  • We need advisers to advise the community on how to use their resources efficiently 

Administration Project Analyzers

Our analyzers are the members examining the project for potential opportunities to boost efficiency and put our skills to better use for project success.  

  • We need analyzers to review Knowpedia community resources and find efficient improvements for the community 

Administration Project Moderators

Our moderators are the people like you who individually review and communicate to the community where we need to improve our efforts.

  • We need moderators to communicate with members were to improve their efforts to stay efficient 

Administration Project Planners 

Our planners are the people taking all community advisement into account and publishing solid plans for the community to meet deadlines.  

  • We need planners to form plans for the community to follow to meet deadlines and save their resources.  


Operation Project Positions

Operation project positions are the members focused primarily on project processes. 

Operation Project Advocator

Our advocators are the community members who announce and promote the project plans amongst the community to ensure we are all on the same page. 

  • We advocators to advocate community needs and make community-wide announcements 

Operation Project Managers

Our managers are the members who coordinate the communities actions towards the common project goal & goals.  

  • We need managers to coordinate community members to work together 

Operation Project Mediators

Our mediators are members who deal day to day with community concerns and ensure they are reaching the right people.  

  • We need mediators to settle concerns amongst the community 

Operation Project Marketers

Our marketers are the members who continually promote the project to the world.  

  • We need marketers to market the project and platform updates to the world.   

Production Project Positions

Production project positions are the members focused primarily on project outcomes. 

Production Project Recommenders

Our recommenders are the members who constantly relay good recommendations to the producers such as developers, designers, etc. from the total community based on their expertise.  

  • We need recommenders to recommend new platform features and updates. 

Production Project Designers

Our designers are the people who design the platform including graphics, layouts, and so on.  

  • We need designers to design platform layouts, graphics, and more.  

Production Project Supervisors

Our supervisors are the members supervising production to ensure it correlates accurately to project goals.  

  • We need supervisors to supervise development and ensure they meet project goals.  

Production Project Developers

Our developers are the coders and engineers who turn the ideas, plans, and suggestions into actual code in our GitHub repository here: .  

  • We need developers to turn the Knowpedia development kit full of designs, layouts, and templates into production-ready code. 
  • We are using JavaScript, NodeJs, VueJs, Quasar Framework, Steem API, and other technologies to build the Knowpedia knowledge-network.   

Userbase Project Positions

Userbase positions are the members focused primarily on project usage. 

Userbase Project Helpers

Our helpers are the members ensuring the community is using the platform to their best ability.  

  • We need helpers to ensure our first wave of users know how to use Knowpedia to build good relationships with their existing and new audiences directly. 

Userbase Project Inspectors

Our Inspectors are the members who review users content and inspect it to ensure it follows community guidelines.  

  • We need inspectors to review content and ensure it meets community guidelines. If so, they must pass it to curators. 

Userbase Project Curators

Our curators are members who upvote and share the best Knowpedia content.  

  • We need curators to ensure the good content creators publish reaches the right audiences. 

Userbase Project Creators

Our creators are the members who publish their best articles, videos, music & audio, images, and more on the Knowpedia platform.  

  • We need creators to do what they do best, which is create and publish their works with the world.   

Spread the Word

Use our official hashtags to promote the project across all social media and platforms. Let’s grow this project together. 

Main Hashtag: #Knowpedia

The main hashtag we use for all Knowpedia posts   

All News & Updates Hashtag: #KnowpediaNews

The news & announcement hashtag for all Knowpedia related updates   

Posting About Your Recent Contribution Hashtag: #KnowpediaContribution

The hashtag to promote a contribution you recently contributed. Make your post as detailed as possible. It is good to use this hashtag for those wanting to reward contributor’s contributions.   

Need Help Hashtag: #KnowpediaHelp

The hashtag to ask the community for help. Note, for the fastest support it is best to join our Discord with this link: .

Embrace the Movement Hashtag: #KnowpediaKnowledgeIsPower

We’re on a mission to educate our world. Let’s spread the word that Knowledge is power with content proving Knowledge Is Power!   

Community Members Hashtag: #KnowpediaCommunity

The hashtag for our dedicated community members to share their best moments as they may or may not be actively building the best knowledge-network the world has ever seen.   

Knowpedia Positions Hashtag: #KnowpediaPosition

The hashtags to promote a position or promote your campaign for a community position.

Moving Forward

Thank you for your time and attention. Comment below with any more questions you may have. It is our pleasure to answer them fully. We’re excited to build with you. #KnowpediaKnowledgeIsPower   


Share a link to this post wherever you please. The goal is for us to attract skilled project contributors. Contributors who will grow and build Knowpedia into the great work we all know it is for generations to come.   


Support My Contributions to Knowpedia 

Contributors are 100% self-funded. Therefore, we encourage people to support contributors however they can to back their good work.  



Donations Accepted

Bitcoin: 15FUaxGERJ7tWYHwZocDMSQWcbB4gpCD2Z 

Ethereum: 0xc2A9fdAA7BCF0D8465E4d0dDc8E19D95eB8E2d08 

Bitcoin Cash: qqlvju2f6mdw9wwua80h4dkt8pwj9wymjcs47cceyr 

Cardano: DdzFFzCqrhstDqGVydJCbrybz7EzthXXRousic1y44ZKerBDCyd5KE9NVSL12ZirDxUoEWdG7AJMXFwNGj9dG8dVkibtcm6bFG6htCms 

Dash: XpxyEXGBJ34GbjgnkR2Rrsgqz2saRvbfra 

Litecoin: LXU47VwuXvvTNQujmGd8k6wQdvpSvMwFuZ 

Doge: D98zFMpKjZ9mr7DcKft1tUb4R2KUdNRneR 


Cash App: $MarcusK828 

Venmo: @Marhalish  

Affiliate Link 

Try Cash App using my code and we’ll each get $5: 

Uber Referral Code: MarcusW12868UI  

Uber Referral Link (Earn $350 guaranteed after 50 trips):  

Lyft Referral Code: MARCUS35810 

Lyft Referral Link: 

Follow for More

My Primary Blog:  

Steem ( & @Markhalen 

Twitter: @Marhalish 

Instagram: @Marhalish  


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