Unplugging Phone Zombies - The Addiction of the Twenty First Cetury.

in #knowledge7 years ago

How often do we unplug? How often do we step outside, way outside our comfort zones, and push the boundaries of who we each think we are?
Do we step outside? Leave our phones at home? Just stroll down a new path to see where it goes? Do we ever just kick off our shoes to stand in the dirt or grass for twenty minutes to an hour? What sort of an effect does it have on us as opposed to constantly having our noses turned towards black screens on our cell phones or computers?

What sort of an effect does this have on our society moving forward? People have become physically disconnected from one another, social interaction takes place in cyberspace and the physical world seems completely alien to most.
So what would happen if we just turned it all off for a day or two a week? Most would go insane because they have never had to actually face the world as it is, always having some sort of escape from it, never wondering just what sort of inspirational energy might lay out there.

The quality of art, of stories, of everything really, has dropped significantly in the last month alone, let alone the last twenty, ten, or even five years.
Why is that? People are seeking to move up, to constantly stay ahead, to push the next big thing followed by the next, and then the next, never stopping to take a breath, when it does seem that they stop they pull out their phones, browse Facebook or some other Social Media site, discuss trends, discuss popular topics, seek information on how to take advantage of trends, there is never a time for rest or rejuvenation.

Does anyone even think about the health effects that constant exposure to devices, to wireless signals, even to artificial energy grids has on people?
Never mind the fact that constant work wears a person down, has anyone ever noticed the effects of prolonged exposure to a cell phone? When someone has nothing better to do, instead of sitting down and reading a book they tend to browse, again, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, shopping online, debating, whatever. Many can sit down and do this for hours, the MAJORITY do.
Do we ever notice the bags under our eyes? The drained feeling we get when we finally pry our focus away from screen after endless screen? The color drained from our skin? The fuzzy feeling inside our heads as our mental faculties fail from over-exertion and over exposure?

Have we ever stopped to think what this is doing to us?!

There have been many cases of people having been oversaturated by signals put out by their computers, cell phones, and smart meters reporting headaches, inability to focus on even simple tasks, insomnia, nausea, extreme fatigue, muscle aches ranging from mild to severe.
When the saturation is reduced these things tend to vanish entirely, but Cell Companies and, indeed, even our own Governments (at least in the United States) would have us believe these are unrelated, that there is no supporting evidence of a connection, all the while gearing up for 5G implementation across the globe.

Unfortunately there have, indeed, been many studies to corroborate this connection, but very little heed paid or safety measures implemented;


Indeed, studies even prior to mass saturation, having stumbled upon these effects by accident after proving age old theories regarding energy circulation within the body;

Then again, they were already aware of this, prior to implementation they had decades of their own studies and experiments into this area.
This, over the years, has raised a number of existential questions for me regarding human nature, the nature of self, the nature of the divine, but these are discussions for another time.

The bottom line is that, even those whom are aware of all these effects tend to ignore them, thinking that their awareness alone is protection enough, yet continuing to behave in exactly the same way they have been behaving their entire lives.
No amount of change can be produced by continuing the exact same behavior, in point of fact, doing to exact same thing over and over, while hoping for a different outcome is the very definition of insanity - at the very least this is willful ignorance, and to perpetuate it is to promote it, which is a grave disservice to our brothers and sisters now and in future generations.
The prospect of future generations in some countries is dropping rapidly as many countries face decreases in birth rates that worsen each year.

So take a moment to let this settle in, really think about it, then, start to implement times at which you might unplug and get away from all the saturation to recharge, to reconnect with yourself and the world around you.
Start with even ten minutes a day, working up to an hour, then a full day, then two days; some might even take this a step further and unplug completely after truly experiencing the benefits of unplugging.
Get out, experience nature, talk to people face to face, connect, feel the connection as your senses suddenly turn on in seemingly high definition, which can seem terrifying and overwhelming at first, but with diligence and focus, this quickly equalizes.

The problem has a simple and straightforward solution, but that is the trouble with every addiction on the face of the Earth, though a solution may be simple, actually walking the path towards change is extremely hard and many will not be able to maintain that kind of drive.

A little at a time... Trees take hundreds upon hundreds of years to grow... We should take a moment to learn this lesson.