Reddit: Interesting cosmic cold knowledge

in #knowledge7 years ago

If you travel at the speed of light, it takes four years from the Earth to the nearest star, and relativity will make you feel fast. But for people on Earth, this is a long four years.

Objects near a black hole are elongated and distorted, and a special term for this deformation process is called spaghettification .

The temperature in space is -270 ° C. But if we walk in space, we do not feel cold, because there is nothing to pass our heat away.

The diameter of the moon is 1/400 of the sun. The distance between Japan and Earth is 400 times the distance between Earth and Moon. This is because then we can see the almost perfect eclipse.

Due to the special gravity and atmospheric conditions on Titan, if we stand on top, we can fly as long as the wings are swung.

In 1965, John Young secretly brought a piece of corned beef sandwiches into space, making it the first sandwich to go to space. The last sandwich gave him trouble (the captain bites it, the breadcrumbs immediately begin to float around) and he has never eaten it.
If there is a large enough pool to put Saturn in, then the planet will float.

In fact, space is not far from us, only about 100 kilometers, if on the ground, this is only about 1 hour's drive.

Dust in the interstellar medium forms its own complex structure. From the complex molecules we find in the interstellar medium, the center of the Milky Way tastes probably raspberries (if we can taste it) , but because of the material density there may be no way for our taste and olfactory receptors Feel them.


  1. The reason why the earth has not been hit by too many meteorites, all because of Jupiter. Jupiter's huge attraction sucked a lot of meteorites.

  2. This is not cold knowledge, it should be said that cold news. Astronaut Stuart Rosa performed Apollo 14 mission and went to the moon. A few years later, he traveled to Nepal. There are schools asking him to give a lecture, where students are eager to ask him what he saw on the moon, he said there with the desert, nothing. The students seem to collapse. When Stuart left, the class teacher told the students that he was just kidding. Later, Stuart learned that in the eyes of the Nepalese, the moon is heaven. When his wife later cut her hair, the barber told her that her husband was a god. She laughed but the barber was serious. A few days later, Stewart went to see a temple with his wife on a hill. When driving up the hill, the roadside stood full of locals holding candles. They all want to see what this man who came back from heaven looks like.