Knowing How Brilliant You Are

in #knowledge7 years ago

8 Scientifically Proven Signs You're Much Smarter Than You Think


One experiment showed that people with a high IQ are likely to get buried in thought and be less active, while average individuals are bored more often and try to fill up their schedule. Still, you should know better than to justify your laziness with high intelligence.


A perfect memory has always been a sign of cleverness, but the latest research shows it’s forgetfulness that really points at a high level of intellect. Our brain forgets trifles for two reasons: firstly, it helps adapt to new conditions, and secondly, getting rid of small things summarizes information and shows the full picture. Don’t be mad at yourself when you’ve once again forgotten something unimportant: perhaps your brain has just made space for new ideas.


It turns out that obscene words in your speech aren’t necessarily indicative of low intelligence. More and more studies prove that people who swear often have a much wider vocabulary, which is a sign of a high IQ. But of course, be mindful of your speech: it's doubtful that excess use of obscenities will make a good impression.


Clever people are believed not to trust anyone. However, scientists proved that intelligent individuals are actually more trusting. It's perhaps due to the fact that they see life better. Researchers also say those who trust others have solid nerves and much fewer health problems. So trust isn't just pleasant but good for your health too.


Recent polls have shown a curious fact: people with a high IQ prefer poultry meat, fish, and vegetables over red meat. But don't be in too much of a hurry to throw away your steak: food preferences are shaped by various conditions, such as family, health, faith, and even place of living.


It seems obvious that intelligent people often invent new things. But it’s not exactly so. More often than not, people with a high IQ are capable of thinking up unconventional solutions but not using them in life — not least of all because, when they try to bring the idea to life, another one is already in their head, drawing all attention to itself. Which, by the way, proves point 1.


Some studies show that people who prefer cats are calmer, more sensitive, and have a higher IQ, while dog lovers are more active, open to others, and are used to obeying the rules. Each choice has its benefits, but one thing remains unchanged: a furry buddy brings lots of love into your home, and that’s much more important than any test.


Well, not exactly little: intelligent people tend to stay up late, which results, more often than not, in them sleeping little because of having to wake up early in the morning to go to work or school. So if you know you’re a night owl and can't change anything about it, relax — you're probably just smart.212f29c.jpg


Interesting unexpected facts! great post!