There Are Many Great Whales and Wise Men in Steemit Ocean

in #knowledge7 years ago

Steemit is an ocean that gives you the opportunity for unlimited knowledge and success. We can choose topics from art to business, zoos, sports, and crypts. This is the right place where we can make good business connections, Steemit is a project that evolves every day to something bigger and better.New users are seeking support from big fish, big fish are investors who have different business logic. It's not a question of whales helping small fish, but the real question is how did whales become successful before investing in Steem? Success has several stages and material success is just one of them that we all want because we see money as a source of great happiness. If we only look at material wealth and financial wealth, then the question arises as to why we have a large number of rich people who are not happy or who committed suicide? I want to bring you closer to the true knowledge, everyone looks at success from a different perspective. Everyone has his talents, potential, and creativity, but everyone is not successful and there are justified reasons for this. I want to expose you to several key steps to success, to show you how to become a big whale and businessman. The first thing is the knowledge that makes you big, then smart work and investment in business come. At Steemit you become a businessman with your work because the value of Steem grows every day.

Leaders are not the most powerful people, they are the people who give the greatest support and knowledge. Anyone can become a leader, it is only the power of decision at one time. You can teach people about art, poetry, painting, music, design, programming, communication, etc. Share your knowledge with others, be honest with a lot of enthusiasm and feeling for people.Your heart is the leader if you know how to listen. The energy of love is an emotion that conquers everyone's heart, it raises spirit and enthusiasm to a higher level, and this is what people need. Intuition is the speech of a cosmic voice that is unmistakable, practice to feel who the true person, energy, situation, project and moment is. How you talk is more important than what you are saying. If your words have the power of truth and love, the strength of the mission, and the message that raises enthusiasm and spirit, then it's the same as having the voting power with 1 000 000 SP in the Steemit Council. It is very important to talk with maximum power and 100% honestly, and it is even more important to give people a message of vision. Users need our support and the power of love that motivates them to give their maximum. Leaders inspire others with their example, they give a vision that resonates with the universe. Those who give the highest and receive, be the leader who gives people the right support.

Choose positive thoughts and change the way of thinking. Change your thoughts, habits and organize your time as a true leader and winner. Your choice of food brings Newton's result.If you eat oily and unhealthy foods then it is normal for you to have excess pounds or health problems. Every habit is the result of certain emotions that are engraved in our brain. If we want to change our bad habits then we should start a level of pain if you can get a heart attack from a pound of excess - imagine and feel this situation. On the other hand, imagine the benefits of your perfect looks, feelings, and strength if you keep it healthy. If you bring in your mind the trash, then you can not expect to get diamonds as a result. Everything is important, positive music, positive thoughts, books, friends, situations, and ideas. Enjoy yourself with quality information, emotions and food, and you will see how your life gets a different and more beautiful dimension. Change your mindset, and you will change your score, and the way to that is the decision and action that becomes reality in every day. The law of action and reaction is precise and 100% accurate, what you give and receive, what you bring into it and can come out. Make your day strategy, start with positive thoughts from the morning (I read the books every morning at least 20 pages, I ride a bike etc). Change your environment, do not waste time on energy vampires who just want to talk about trivial things. Learn to say no to everyone who deserves it, your time is all that you have in your life so you appreciate it more.

Your beliefs determine what you are, and therefore change your negative beliefs.Beliefs bring a safe result.Many people do not believe in themselves, this is seen when they ask others to vote on the post, ask other users to send them SBD and other forms of material assistance. If you believe in yourself and in achieving your goals, then you can seek advice from others or participate in other projects because successful people are looking for leaders, they want to see success in you and positive energy, not negative emotions and bad beliefs. When you change the beliefs I can, I have to, I want things to start happening, that's the way the whales have passed. If you do not believe in yourself, I have no reason to believe that you will make a great result. Business and successful people want to invest in your potential, show creativity, positive energy, dedication, discipline, and enthusiasm. Leaders never give up their goals and dreams, it's a road that lasts, success is the process of changing the way of thinking, and if you want to see you at the top, then go ahead and do not hesitate. Make your own beliefs, set your goals and begin disciplined to implement your plan to the top. Steemit is a chance that gives you the opportunity to make money and become a truly successful businessman.

Success is the road we are crossing, it's not the moment that is happening. The path to success is a real challenge and it lasts a lifetime. Steemit is one great school that teaches us business logic, Steemit is a business network that gives a special dynamics of movement and success. To become successful, you need to understand businessmen, investors and poor people at the same time. Everyone is learning one of the other different ways of communication and we are all progressing together, this is a real-life school with a large number of everyday challenges. We advance only through our interaction and activities, this is the way to achieve a higher level of knowledge, power, and money. Be persistent and do not give up, this is the way that makes you a champion - follows the steps of successful people and focus on real knowledge and result. Make your choice, make a decision that will lead you to the top of success. Do not allow negative thoughts and people who have no faith in success to put you on the ground, fly on the wings of enthusiasm and believe in yourself.


See you on the top @dobartim
We win together - Steem Schools


Greetings, great Dobartim

That was your post that made me think the most. I'm a psychologist and I really enjoyed your speech. At first I thought I would talk about steemit whales and how to become one of them. Then I saw that you went beyond this text and showed the staff how beliefs can act on our behavior. My line is called the cognitive line. Her main premise is that what matters is not the fact itself, but the way we interpret the fact. That is, what works most in the office is the cognitive restructuring of the patient, causing him to modify his thoughts and beliefs about what happens and learn to deal with it, modifying his feelings and behavior.

I thought it was cool that your post saw. It helps a lot the staff to have extra motivation in here. I see the steemit as a "workplace." I invested my money here and intend to get back to work. Therefore, I dedicate myself every day to improve my posts and to make good comments in the posts of the subjects that I like.

Thank you and good night

See you at the top !!!!

Thank you

very good this publication @dobartim I read a very old and old book but very real and complete that is the Bible the word of God there I learn many real things. as well as the ones shown here. example: more happiness there is in giving than in receiving. sometimes many give good comments good proposals good ideas in exchange for something once they throw the ideas they throw the stone and destroy them asking for votes and reesteem. I always remember the first time they changed some sbd here on the platform I could not believe it.
este dia hasta llore

when I saw it I realized how real and possible this platform is, and I could also understand that not only is it a matter of copying ideas, photos and stories, but also that you have to interact and know how to write and do the work with love and success since I have a lot of time in this platform I realize that it can really change people's lives that's why I appreciate it and I want to continue teaching my friends how exciting it is to walk in this world, that's why I tell you the common refrain of the steemit school: TOGETHER WE ALL WIN THIS IS @ Cordobartim see you at the top greetings.

See you on the top

Almost each and every one of us here talks about that word 'knowledge' in our daily blogs. That makes me to ask myself, is that word really important? Yeah it is. Just like you said in the beginning 'steemit is like an ocean that gives one the opportunity of unlimited knowledge and success'. To be honest with you i really love that part because it has explained the whole thing you have been trying to say. Now see what that means. Knowledge in simple term can be said to be the intellectual understanding of a subject matter i.e the general understanding or familiarity with a subject, place or situation. People go into what they have atleast little knowledge about. Take for example, a man that comes from a business family cannot wake up one day and decide to go into the aviation sector unless he passes through the learning process that would enable him to become pilot. And why is he passing through this learning? Because he wants to acquire 'Knowledge'. So now you can see that knowledge is a very tool in our everyday life. There's a common saying which states that 'knowledge is power'. Another one states that 'knowledge is the key to success'. When this knowledge acquired are been applied in the right principle brings about success. All what you have said is true boss @dobartim. You said after knowledge the next thing to do is smartwork and investment. Some of the whales we see today, after acquiring knowlede, applying smartwork, risk their personal income just to buy steem and power up. So we are also expected to follow their footsteps whenever we are opportuned to. Thanks a lot boss for sharing this piece with us. I learnt a lot from it

You are welcome to the top

Thanks boss

I thought it was cool that your post saw. It helps a considerable measure the staff to have additional inspiration in here. I see the steemit as a "work environment." I contributed my cash here and expect to return to work. In this manner, I commit myself consistently to enhance my presents and on make great remarks in the posts of the subjects that I like.

Excellent choice

You are a good example of the successful steemian.

very nice think

The first thing is the knowledge that makes you great, then comes the smart work and the investment in business. At Steemit you become a businessman with your job because Steem's value grows every day. but they are not all successful and there are good reasons for this.

These strategies seem to hold the key to success, I've always thought that if we start with education we'll have a big part of the success! I love your way of thinking and your willingness to help, you have a great heart.

As the author says, steemit is indeed a big school. Be a good student can not be negative, must be positive, I will try!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
