Tips for Planting Kniphofia Flowers
Kniphofia is commonly known as red hot poker, although species come in a variety of colors such as yellow and beige. This plant often has features on the borders of gardens and bouquets because of the striking flowers.
Kniphofia is a cypress plant with thin leaves, like grass and erect stems. He has a number of flower tubes that form nails resembling torches. Coloring becomes more intense towards the tip of the surge. The more common variety is living red and yellow, although soft and green creams are also available. The flowers themselves produce a lot of nectar when blooming, making them attractive to wildlife.
There are more than 70 Kniphofia species and they are garden plants that are easy to grow and strong. They are part of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family in the Asphodeloideae subfamily.
The best way is to plant it in full sun, even though they can tolerate partial shade. Some thought must be given to their position on the border, because they can grow to 1.2 meters and 0.6 meters wide. After the flowers die, their nails must be removed and mulch applied. The leaves must be cut back to the ground in the spring to keep them fresh.
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