Why do humans like to kiss?

in #kiss5 years ago

Why kiss?

Why do humans kiss? It sounds like an emotional problem, but in reality, it's a survival problem.

It is said that the origin of kisses was mouth-to-mouth feeding. This is the scene where the mother is chewing the food and feeding it to the baby.

But don't look down on the origin of this not romantic at all. For a long time, young people rely on mouth-to-mouth feeding to get food. Orangutans, eagles, or any other animal, still pass on their mouth-to-mouth feeding very well.
Cats and dogs can also kiss

In the early Indian texts, you can find some descriptions of facial friction and pressure on the nose. Although it is impossible to verify the meaning of the scenes and behaviors of these actions, according to the interpretation of Vedic Sanskrit master Professor Edwin Bryant, it is possible to make a reasonable conjecture: a certain day, month, and day, a young man was very unsightly facial He fell down on the ground and had not had time to experience the pain on his face and body. He even felt a touch of pleasure!

Therefore, let's think for the time being, in 1500 BC, kisses are for the sake of coolness.

In those days, information transmission was inconvenient, and regional and regional cultural dissemination mostly depended on war. More than 1,000 years after the Indians enjoyed the pleasure brought by their relatives alone, Alexander the Great's Eastern Expeditionary Army finally came to learn.

After Alexander the Great's death, his subordinates scattered all over the country and went to various regions in the Middle East.
Statue of Alexander the Great

Professor Edwin Bryant called the Romans "kiss missionaries", and they don't know why these dears are so loved and committed to spreading kisses. Anyway, kisses in most parts of Europe and parts of North Africa are said to be from the Romans. Promote Amway. ("You give it a try, it's comfortable, really.")

Since you are in love, you can't just limit yourself to learning and promotion, but also conduct in-depth research. So, the kiss was upgraded here in the Romans. A kiss with a dragonfly on his cheek, representing friendship, lip contact and even began to fight with his tongue. This is the passionate kiss (that is, the French method named after French ).

Study, promote, and study in depth. Can you become a "kiss missionary" just by doing this? Do not! not enough! The Romans could do more!

They wrote in-laws into the law. If an unmarried girl was kissed by a male tongue in public, she had the right to ask the man to take charge (that is, get married).

In the Middle Ages, "the whole of Europe is kissing" (imagination of restricted images is prohibited here).

As everyone knows, kissing has become a meeting etiquette. Depending on their level, kiss each other's cheeks, hands, knees, feet, and even the ground. And two people of the same level, both men and women, kiss, eh, kiss.

For illiterate people, kisses also act like fingerprints today. The parties can draw an "X" on the contract document to represent their name, and put a lip seal on "X", so that the contract is legal.
On the importance of lipstick

In the 13th century, religion began to interfere with the lives of believers, which had a bad impact on people's normal lives. So expressly stated, "Prohibit holy kisses."

How can I say hello when I don't let you meet? At this time, the handshake finally had a name in history. People began to use "handshake" gestures to express greetings to each other.

However, according to Professor Edwin Bryant, it is not the church, but the disease that really prevents everyone from meeting each other.

In 1665, a plague swept through the British capital, London. The patient's skin became dark, high fever, pain all over, and extremely contagious. If one fell down, more people would fall soon.
Footage of dead bodies during the plague

The plague took away a quarter of the population of London at the time, and the horror of infectious diseases also left a shadow on everyone's mind. Thanks to the advancement of medicine, people have been able to realize that the saliva exchange during the kissing process will greatly contribute to the spread of infectious diseases. No no no, no kiss, shake hands instead, everyone will shake hands in the future.

The handshake eventually evolved into a standard gesture of greeting. And the trouble of kissing does not stop at infectious diseases.

The trouble of kissing

There is a disease called "Kissing Disease".

Ding! Please stop those messy thoughts, we are discussing a serious academic issue.

EB virus is mainly transmitted through saliva. It is common in people aged 15-24. Patients have increased blood lymphocytes, fever, sore throat, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. They may experience months of fatigue, severe, liver or spleen. Swelling can also occur, and there is a very small chance that a spleen will rupture.

This disease, scientific name is infectious mononucleosis, alias, it is called "kissing disease". Not a small word is not romantic, and even the lymph nodes swell up, which greatly affects the perception.
Swollen neck lymph nodes in kissing patients

However, although it looks scary, don't worry too much. Because almost 90% of the people have been infected with this virus, if your immune system is normal, congratulations, this is a very optimistic disease, but if you have an autoimmune deficiency, you need to pay attention.

Of course, the most familiar trouble with kissing is definitely not "kissing disease", but emmmm, the "small strawberry" left on the neck.

Popularly called "kiss marks", academically called "mechanical purple spots", if underground love wants to hide people's eyes, it can also be called "bag last night mosquito bite".
The heroine in the TV series is willing to leave a kiss mark on the heroine's neck to declare sovereignty. In reality, the mechanical purple spot has also been a lot of heat-not a love story of a prince becoming a frog or Cinderella marrying a giant, but a trouble It's life-threatening.

You must have heard such a news. A Mexican boy twitched while having dinner with his parents. Although he was taken to hospital for treatment, he eventually died of a stroke. The cause of the stroke happened to be a kiss left by his girlfriend on his neck.

Kiss marks occur because the capillaries under the skin rupture due to pressure and bleed, and white is a kind of congestion. The skin on the neck is thin, so the capillaries are more susceptible to damage, and the color of the blood clots is more visible. But at the same time, the position of the neck is more critical. The two aorta are stably hidden under the skin on both sides of the neck. If ta kisses the aorta inadvertently, another force that is uncontrollable is a bit stronger, and the artery There was a congested plaque, which followed the blood vessels and entered the heart or brain, which was bad.

#Please compatriots pay attention when kissing

Modern science's research on "kissing" first explained the accident in 1500 BC: Why is kissing good?

The results show that kissing affects hormone secretion and increases serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin levels.

It sounds amazing! But what are these?

The name of dopamine should be relatively familiar. Neurotransmitters are responsible for transmitting excitement. Can be regarded as the source product of "It feels good to kiss".

Serotonin, also known as serotonin, is also a type of neurotransmitter with more complex functions and plays an important role in brain functions such as learning, memory, and reward. For the status of serotonin, we can simply summarize it as: a contributor to happiness.

Serotonin is antidepressant in the brain, promotes gastrointestinal motility in the intestine, and is a vasoconstrictor and vasodilator in blood vessels. As a result, kissing can lower blood pressure, help relieve blood pressure-related spasms and headaches, reduce stress and anxiety, and even reduce alcohol consumption in alcohol-dependent patients (insanely suggested here).
Serotonin himself

As for oxytocin, do not think it is just a hormone related to fertility. The scope of oxytocin is much broader than we think.

Studies have shown that oxytocin appears to be related to social behavior. It is said that those who have tried oxytocin nasal sprays are more willing to think from the perspective of each other in the social process, and become more considerate and warmer. Small effect.

Even more amazing is that male comrades who have used oxytocin have said that their girlfriends / wife look more beautiful and attractive than before! There are also studies that show that couples / couples who have increased the frequency of kissing have increased their satisfaction with this relationship and have given their partners a 5-star praise. (No problem can't be solved by one kiss, if there is one, kiss again)
When it's hot, I don't know if any of my friends got urticaria because of blowing the air conditioner. But don't be afraid, research shows that those annoying babies can get rid of them for 30 minutes. (3 seconds of silence for a single person who is troubled by urticaria)

Let's think about your own (probably few) tongue fights, is it inevitable, and what is taken from each other's mouth? Think again, what is the red creature that claims to rule everything?

That's right, every intense kiss will cause saliva exchange between the two sides, and at the same time, the microbes in the mouth will also exchange. The average tongue fights for 10 seconds, exchanging 80 million bacteria. So, kissing makes a little contribution to oral health, isn't it?
Anyway, to sum up, a couple kissed and married, and the couple could n’t cheat; reducing stress and anxiety, kissing will help your career to a higher level; expanding blood vessels and lowering blood pressure, and daily physical and mental health.