Wow, KIN has had an amazing run in the last few days and looks like it could continue going. This coin has had very little coverage and its already in 39th place(jumped to 38th before I finished the article)! There is still much more to come out of the KIN token, Ted Livingston said in an interview recently that they would be switching blockchains from Ether to Stellar Lumens in the upcoming months.
KIN could end up a top 20 or even a top 10 coin in the near future!
It is not even on a major exchange yet. Mercatox and Ether Delta are the main ones right now. Once it gets on Binance or Bittrex, etc there's a chance it could end up being a cent or two!
I believe that KIN will be the biggest cryptocurrency of 2018! People who don't look do their research on KIN will be very regretful, very soon.
I really hope so. It did well when I made this post but I believe there were some wallet issues with Mercatox-or they were doing maintenance which haulted the upward trend KIN was on. Once it gets on more reputable exchanges, it will shoot much higher!
Agreed! We're gonna be freaking loaded, very soon, man! $$$
So many Currencies are making a run for it! Check out this shot I grabbed before I went to sleep last night.

INSANE!! Bytecoin and Siacoin ?! Wtf lol.
man, i was watching siacoin when it was 2-3 cents and i did not buy in:(
Check out the company behind them and see what may have caused that huge jump in price. Make sure it's not a pump n dump. Get in on the Second dip. Let the price correct right now, let it go back up, and buy on the next correction at a good price!