North Korean leader Kim Jong Unan's visit to China has changed a lot in the past few months. On the occasion of the Winter Olympics, the North Koreans went to South Korea, the possibility of negotiations at the highest level of the two countries, the possibility of holding a high-level meeting between North Korea and the United States was taking place all the time.
Meanwhile, China's role of peace-making in the Korean peninsula did not become inaccessible even though it was getting less talk less. But how much of the importance of China's peace process has been proved once again through the first foreign visit of the Korea, on the Korean peninsula.The main cause of North Korea's Tikia is that there is no secret information about China's help and cooperation in the pressure and blockade of the entire Western world, including neighboring South Korea, Japan, one of the world's topmost nuclear powers. Despite opposition to North Korea's nuclear program, China is not in favor of the way the United States wants to curb it. However, China's position in North Korea has been stricter than in the past.Meanwhile, meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping will be considered to be a major success for Kim Jong Un. Especially due to meeting with President X of Donald Trump, he was considered to be quite emotional about being mentally challenged while meeting with Xi Jinping. Many analysts believe that due to his visit, China has benefited much.According to them, no matter how much effort the Trump administration can do, North Korea has not been able to raise on the other side without China's consent, it has become clear from last week's visit.
After the visit of Kim Jong Uni to China, it has become clear that the United States, South Korea and Japan will go a long way in converting North Korea into positive dialogue for the last few days to abandon the nuclear weapons project.
In particular, it is assumed that many will depend on the end of US-South Korean military alliances and the North Korean claim of the best way to uproot the US-made nuclear weapon surrounding the Korean Peninsula.Apart from this, North Korea may also raise the demand for withdrawal of long-pending sieges for a long time as the condition of returning from the nuclear weapons project. In this situation, China's positional disagreements with the West will naturally be taken as an advantage for itself.