✨ Announcing a new campaign... πŸ‘€ It's time to kill the spider! πŸ•·οΈ Win a share of SBI 🎁 πŸ’°

in #killthespider β€’ 6 years ago

It's time to kill the spider!
- Lindsey Williams

It's time to kill the spider by @WizarDave

I've read quite a few posts here on Steemit from fellow "conspiracy theorists."

  • I consider it a badge of honor when people call me a conspiracy theorist!
    You should, too.
    • Quoting myself from this post
      Here's hoping Cheetah doesn't flag me for this. ::rolling eyes::
      • The CIA invented it (the term "conspiracy theory") and promoted it with the MSM because not enough people were believing the "official" story about the JFK assassination. They instructed the MSM to use it as a derogatory term.
        It didn't work. Most surveys say over 90% of the people do not believe the official story to this day!
        I don't believe the official story, do you?
        But, unfortunately, it did stick as a derogatory term.
        There is a conspiracy of misinformation, #FakeNews, ...
        To shed light on the conspiracy by looking at all available facts and then sharing your findings (tossing ideas around with others), is a noble hobby.
        Isn't that what they used to call journalism?
        MSM journalism is dead.

Do you prefer the red pill or blue pill?

This post is only for red pill people. Blue pill people should not open this post.

Warning: If you are happy with the blue pill, move along.
Only continue reading if you are a red pill type person.

What is red pill blue pill?

According to wikipedia

The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:
Knowledge, freedom, and the brutal truth of reality (red pill)
Security, happiness and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)

So please take a moment to answer which pill you prefer!

  • Would you rather continue life in "blissful ignorance of illusion"?
    If so, move along and find some cute kitten post to look at.
    • Or would you prefer the knowledge and freedom obtained from facing the brutal truth of reality?
      Even if that truth challenges your core beliefs about this world we live in?
      If so, let's get started.
      • Fair warning: You cannot unsee the truth once you poke your head down the rabbit hole!
    • One note about this rabbit hole. There are many tunnels to follow. Just because someone has a slightly different view than you doesn't mean they aren't in the same rabbit hole. It simply means they are currently exploring a different tunnel...
  • For those of you who have already looked down the rabbit hole, I commend you.

re: The recent flood of "conspiracy" posts...

Perhaps you've noticed a lot of posts lately about the Illuminati, Vril, clones, FreeMasons and such.
No? Then you should check out this tag... #donaldmarshall
WARNING only click that tag if you want the brutal truth of reality (red pill).
Do not check out any of the following authors if you prefer the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill).

  • @fulltimegeek has issued a challenge to a few authors to write about Donald Marshall who happens to claim he has been cloned. A lot of these authors have written posts about the web of deceit spun by the secret occult oligarchies which rule the world. (@deliberator, @killvrill, @goldendawne, @shayne, @krnel, @richq11 and others. If I missed you, please comment below, so we know you are also writing about this...)
  • This post is my humble attempt to help fan the flames @fulltimegeek has started by hiring authors to write about the akward situation we currently find ourselves in.
    • One problem these authors are having is not realizing they are trying to pin the tail on the donkey. In that kids game, your eyes are covered and you are spun around a few times to disorient you. These secret societies have spent centuries learning to manipulate perceived truth. Don't think for a second that any information you can find about them wasn't deliberately planted by them. They are masters of propaganda. Masters of smoke and mirrors. Masters of disinformation. David Copperfield's illusions pale in comparison to those created by these Masters of Illusion! It is near impossible to find out who really is the top dog of these secret occult oligarchies which rule the world. There are many secret societies, most of which overlap. They have spun a web of deceit around the entire world to trap us so they can feed on us. They have tricked us into thinking we "have it made," if we have a 6 pack in the frig and cable TV on the flatscreen. They are involved in every major economic financial sector. They own the Central Banks of the world. They own the "mainstream" media. They control the #FakeNews sites. They have infiltrated every organization. They hire people to provide disinfo on social networks. Their stooges are probably already here on Steemit. ( I think I've already met one who commented on one of the posts, but that's a story for another post...)
      • Some believe the Vril are the top of the pyramid. With family dynasties such as the Rothschilds and the Queen of England being the top of the human pyramid. Or perhaps they are Vril themselves? I don't think anyone has nailed the exact truth yet, but I encourage all to keep trying. I would like to do my little part in helping you expose the secret occult oligarchies which rule the world. Keep reading for 2 peeks down the rabbit hole...

13 bloodlines of the Illuminati
A peek down the rabbit hole

Fritz Springmeier has written a book delving into the subject.

I do not fear the Illuminati taking over this country and doing away with the Constitution, because they took over this country long ago, and the Constitution has not technically been in effect due to Presidential emergency decrees since W.W. II.

This book is ... about the secret occult oligarchies which rule the world

This is a HUGE book and will take you quite some time to read and absorb. But, if you are serious at trying to figure this all out, this book is a must read!

Lindsey Williams
A peek down the rabbit hole.

My Dad was a large gasoline distributor back in the 70's during the supposed "oil crisis." I know for a fact, that crisis was nothing but a scam. There never was an oil shortage. It was a totally man-made situation. I went with Dad to NYC and we personally met with an oil sheikh who offered us all the oil we wanted to buy. There were dozens of ships sitting off shore waiting to be unloaded. The only problem? Every single storage tank in the US was completely full! We would have to build new storage to purchase any of his oil.
Does that sound like an oil shortage to you?

  • In '76 we got to visit Prudhoe Bay Alaska. I'm not positive, but while there I think we might have met Pastor Lindsey Williams. I think that's why Dad bought me his book, The Energy Non-Crisis, when it came out...

Life happened, so let's fast forward about 3 decades later, when I heard him give a radio interview.
He forecast that gasoline would dip to around $1. And then rebound to about $4 or more.

  • I wrote him off, because I didn't think gas would ever drop below $2/gallon.
    • But then, it actually happened, exactly like he "predicted!"
      So, I looked him up again and ran across this YouTube.
      He explains how he was able to predict the above happening...

Notes from the video:

  • Lindsey calls the secret occult oligarchies which rule the world the "elite."
    • He earned their trust by volunteering as a missionary at Prudhoe Bay.
  • He got to peek down the rabbit hole at the power structure of the "elites" by being their friend.
  • They have an agenda and they know what they are doing!
  • We are sitting on a HUGE oil reserve on the North Slope of Alaska.
  • Any price paid above $1.50/gallon for gasoline is nothing but a "tax" paid to the "elites."
    NOTE: This video is from around 2005.
  • Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was the mastermind who setup the oil economy based on the US Dollar.
  • In the early 60's crude oil was chosen as the method of controlling the world.
  • Members of OPEC are nothing but pawns in the game controlled by the "elites."
  • He mentions Smedley Butler's book War is a Racket.
    You can find out about that here
  • He recommends reading Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
    You can read that here

This next point pretty much sums up the whole purpose of this post...

  • Sometimes it gets to a point where you have 1 of 2 choices
    • Either be a slave in your own land
      • or tell the truth and hope somebody will listen to you.

It's time to kill the spider!

Announcing a new campaign
open to any and all.

If you can research, even if you're not that great at it,
I highly encourage you to do so.
Then tell the truth as seen through your eyes and hope somebody will listen to you.
It's time to kill the spider!
And you can help. Share your views on all this.
We need to make this vast array of topics become the hot topic, not just here on Steemit but across the globe.
Help fan the flames of truth that @fulltimegeek has started.
We need to shake people awake.
We need people realizing they've been duped about nearly everything they accept as truth.
Time is of the essence.

We also need articles to help those who have recently become awake.
Remember, their whole concept of the world has just been shaken.
Once you realize you have been duped in one area of your life, you begin to wonder if you can believe anything.
Short answer to that question... No, you can't. Question everything. Research for yourself.
They will need direction once they realize they can no longer trust the MSM.
If you are good at writing that type of post, goferit! That can count for an entry in the contest...

Feel free to link any articles in the comments below.
Not feeling up to writing a whole post on this yet, feel free to simply comment your thoughts...

If there is any interest created from this post, I will try to do at least a weekly post sharing any posts linked in the comments below. Hopefully being able to do another contest with at least another share of SBI.

  • To help kick it off, I will do a random drawing of anyone linking a post below in the comments, which uses the header graphic modified with your username (instructions below).
    • Winner will receive a share of @SteemBasicIncome.
      • I would like to upvote every post about this vast array of topics, but I am limited with my Voting Power, so I'll do the next best thing for one lucky person. I'll put up a share of SBI, that will upvote every single post from the lucky winner forever!
  • If this sounds like a good idea to you and you are able to donate to a weekly challenge, please contact me.

Topics include anything mentioned in this article or anything slightly connected to those topics.
Example, New World Order, Knights of Templar, Central Banks, War, chemtrails, GMO, #FakeNews ... ...

To gain an entry into the drawing,
Make a post using the header pic of this post, modified with your username.
Here's how...

Save this image.

Go to http://addtext.com

  • Upload the image.
  • Add your tagline
    • Example: by @WizarDave
      • Replace WizarDave with you
    • I used
      • the Style Fun
      • Size 150
        You will have to adjust so it fits
  • Position it on the middle of the bottom part of the pic.
    You can just click and drag it around...
  • Save your pic.
  • Write your post(s) using that pic.
  • Make the first tag >>>killthespider<<<.
  • Include a link to this post.
  • Then make a comment to this post with a link to your post.

You will get an entry for any post you make using the graphic and linked in the comments below.
You are not limited to just one post.
You get an entry for all your posts which use the graphic and are linked below...

Upvote and resteem not required, but would be greatly appreciated!

Good Luck!!!


Image Sources: PixaBay.com Header modified by @WizarDave using http://addtext.com
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Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Congrats for being entry #1 @headchange

  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the situation we have found ourselves in.
    • I look forward to reading about the rabbit holes you have looked into.
      • If we keep cutting away at the web of deceit, we will find the spider.
        Then we can kill the spider!

Upvoted and resteemed your article.

Greetings @wizardave. Appreciate this post. Have found some more people to bring to the party. Will be introducing them soon. Hope to participate this week. Blessings.

Howdy @mistermercury!

  • That all sounds awesome. The more the merrier!

Take care.

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Congrats on being entry #2

  • Valid points in your article.
    • The "official" 911 story is full of holes.
    • "cognitive dissonance" is real problem, because some things we just do not want to accept.
    • The left-right paradigm is a tactic used very successfully by the secret occult oligarchies which rule the world.
      • If we keep cutting away at the web of deceit, we will find the spider.
        Then we can kill the spider!

Upvoted and resteemed your article.

I am looking forward to the day when wagers can be made with cryptos that will reward those that can prove the given challenge. For instance, one Bitcoin for anybody that can prove dinosaurs exist, or the same for the proof of ICBM's. By the way, thanks for your contest/challenge.It is always nice to see others that have taken the path much less traveled.

That would be cool @mineisyours!

  • You're welcome. It used to be very rare to find someone you could talk to without them getting that glassy-eyed "here he goes again" look. haha It is nice to run across someone with open eyes...
    • I don't think "they" planned on us using their data gathering tool (the Internet) against them, but it has made it sooo easy to share truth and get the word out. Of course, they sometimes put out disinformation disguised as someone telling on them, but they make it outrageous, so they can say, see... all those conspiracy theorists are crazy! Sometimes it's hard to discern between honest people sharing info they've found and "them" giving out the disinfo...

Agreed. Plus in order to get us all on a completely digital financial system, they needed a few decades to develop and get us used to the internet. Alex Jones (aka Bill Hicks) is one of the best examples of their attempt to front run and control the information wars. However, he lost his mojo years ago after it became apparent he was being directed.

hehe He's an interesting soul. Him and Drudge can force the news cycle to pick up a story.

  • When there were protests surrounding a new nuclear power plant in New Jersey, and organization formed to help facilitate the protests. Long story short, it was started by the nuclear power people so they could see exactly what they were up against and control the mob. It seems nearly every organization and network has been infiltrated, probably including Steemit....
Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

As long as there are differences in opinion on our origins, there will always be infiltrators. They are a weapon and when differences arise, so too does war.

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

I am afraid spiders because have infection

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on Steem. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

Have you ever heard of a 'false flag'?
Suppose some of your 'conspiracy theories' are?

Yes, that's a quite useful strategy for "them."

  • Gulf of Tonkin was my wakeup call about false flags.

Not to mention the whole UFO thing.
to distract attention from 'skunk work' projects.
from which all KINDS of derivatives have sprung up like weeds after a rain.

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I may actually do something with this. Last winter I was considering making a Youtube channel. At the time I began filling a note pad with research and topic idea.
I will have a look at the hashtags, get an idea what everyone is doing, then see if there is a topic I can approach from another angle.
Wouldn't be a bad idea for a series of posts. Lord knows I need to post more often. Some of the rabbit holes are pretty deep. This movement will give me a chance to see just how open the Steemit community is to the awakening concepts.
Any body done anything on Q yet? No matter what you think of that whole thing the psychology behind it is amazing. I was there when it started last fall. The momentum it has gained proves there is a thirst for more knowledge in that area.
Alright sorry for the long comment. You obviously have gotten my wheels turning. Off to pick a topic.

Cool @headchange. Will be looking forward to your post(s)...

I see a few random Q posts.

People are funny, you never know what story may be the one to open their eyes. Most will have a hard time ever believing in lizard Queens, but anyone can look up and see a chemtrail. This makes them uncomfortable so they go look it up on snopes and whew it's just normal exhaust... But if they ever see one truth, they usually can't stop looking for more. That's why we need more people putting info out there. To remove scales from the eyes of just one more person. And then another, and another and another...

  • "They" have been very successful at pulling the wool over most people's eyes. Their tentacles are everywhere. Most wikipedia articles hint at the truth, but whitewash the story in one way or another. They must even be in the Libertarian Party, because I mean Bill Weld... seriously? I think it was GE trying to get a nuke plant built in the Northeast somewhere. People were totally against it, so an organization formed to fight it. Come to find out it was GE who started the organization. Masters of illusion.

The saddest belief most people have is

  • My government would never do that to me.
    If they did, they would tell me.
    ::rolling eyes::

Well you certainly have left the topic wide open for exploration. Seems like most anything can tie in. I will spare you and save it for an introductory post.
It really is everywhere once you start peeling the veneer. I am thinking maybe a gently exploration of a not so hot topic to start. I am thinking.... I need to make some kind of post tonight anyway. May as well be this.
I hope you get a lot of participation in this one. It would be worth a regular weekly post.


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I find your post interesting. But here is my take. We have known the truth for a long time. Way back when GΓΌnter Grass has written article after article and book after book about it. People take it in and if too many start acting on it - the powers- whoever they are, will shut them down. Air America did a good job talking about all kinds of these down the rabbit hole connections - and they disappeared.
So, is writing about it a waste of time? Or do you think that change is actually possible?

20 or so years ago, I was pretty much in despair after looking down the rabbit hole in all the different tunnels. It certainly looked like they had won. Sunday night worship service, closing prayer... someone said "This country will not fall." Arguing back, but what about x, y and z... "This country will not fall." but... "This country will not fall." but ... "This country will not fall." OK Then Brother Paul goes someone just got a word of knowledge, would you like to share it with us? Wait, wait wait ... no one spoke up. "Whoever just got that word of knowledge, if you would like to share that would be great, if not we'll close." Being raised Southern Baptist, I had not a clue about word of knowledge or any of that type thing. But I realized it was me... Raised my hand. "Umm I think that was me and the word is "This country will not fall."

  • I said all that to say this. If it were not for that, I would still be in despair because their web of deceit covers the whole world. Their power is immense. Their strategies and tactics are almost perfected. But! "This country will not fall." And to me that means... "This country will not fall." And if "This country will not fall." the future will align with the end of the Good Book as I read it and the enemy will be defeated.
    • Between here and there, I have no clue what will happen. All I know to do is try to help remove the scales from one person's eyes at a time. And hope they will do the same.
      • I do think change is possible. Hillary was their gal. Trump was not supposed to win. That proves to me change is possible. (Do I think Trump is the best POTUS ever? nope, not even close. But, I honestly don't think he is part of the "elite."

We apologize for the continued delay of our upvotes. We’re working hard to obtain more SP to keep up with all of our amazing Thunder Supporters. Thank you for your continued patience and support! You are the lightning to our THUNDER!

As a friendly reminder, the upvote fee is $0.08 SBD ($0.081 for incognito). Current 300%+ upvote is now $0.24+ SBD.
Join our 10 SP Challenge!!!

That being said…


The ground shakes as incredible power lights the sky. The thunder tests the quality of your post and deems it worthy, rewarding it with a 300% upvote, comment and resteem from @thundercurator.

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2 entries @headchange & @mineisyours. Giving you both a share of SBI...
Spider contest - Screenshot_20180514_155056.png

  • Thanks for the posts.
    • Let's keep this going...
      Be on the lookout for next weeks contest...
      • With your help let's...

Kill the Spider!

Thank you for the sponsorship, I am learning about SBI.

You're welcome @mineisyours.

  • It's a pretty cool program. It upvotes any posts you do from now on.
    • If you set up to autoupvote their posts (1 / day) then they will double what they pay you...
      I use https://steemauto.com/
      • The more shares you have the more they payout.

Thank you so much! I will be on the lookout for a chance to pay it forward with the SBI.
I think it is a great challenge idea. I had hoped for more entries. But met interesting people guess everything builds a bit at a time.

You're welcome @headchange.

  • Thank you for your post.

We're not done... 😎

Neat! Other critics on mass media and the world.. I don't write about these things though, but I DO have a great interest in them. The world is filled with sheeps still... #WakeUp

What was your wakeup call?

  • I wish more were awake...

Oh. Well. A lot I think.. It was sort of a transition I guess... So but I don't know what made actually realize that something was fishy... Also that it's like on so many levels... The media, ads, the country you reside in, other countries, law stuff, the spiritual aspects aswell.. The whole illuminati thing - and how it's mocked aswell..

There's a lot to take in... and I remember I kinda felt overwhelmed with the whole world; meanwhile I'm ofcourse still critical on all aspects.. But.. Jeez now you got me more interested in it again. Maybe I'll start to write about my thoughts on this aswell... πŸ˜…

For one instance I remember watching the movie "They Live" and started noticing the whole media stuff around me and thought more about my money and so that lead to the money system and well.. I've thought on a lot.

Come to think of it.. I once sat to meditate as I read an article on "how to open your pinal gland" and my mind got a lot clearer somehow.. I'm still thinking on this to this day.. (it's been like 4-5 years I think)

re: the controlled propaganda arm of the NWO ("mainstream" media)...
I live the US and drove into Canada as an over-the-road trucker. All the news in the US was about someone who had used a pistol to commit a crime and how we should have more gun control laws.

  • Fast forward a day, and I'm in Canada. All the news was about a different someone who had used a pistol to commit a crime and how they should have more gun control laws...
    • Different stories used to promote the exact same propaganda in 2 different countries at the same time... That was a wakeup call to me!

I encourage you to write about a few things you have found. If we share enough information, one more person might wakeup. Then another... and another... and another...

Indeed. I will. The news is all the same.. And it's all negative aswell. You can't do anything about it; you are just scaring people and making them believe certain things. I definitely have alot of ideas in my head for this already now. Thanks. 😍