Well, this changes things doesn't it! Can all the genius graphic designers move to the front please...thank you!
I'll just wander off into the background now:)
Well, this changes things doesn't it! Can all the genius graphic designers move to the front please...thank you!
I'll just wander off into the background now:)
give it another try. it is all about the message.
I see how my first entry failed to get the message slightly wrong for insiders and massively wrong for outsiders, even though it depicted what the bad guys really want..
However I do hope that others pick up on the stuff that I did get right. :-D
Not yet sure if i'm able to join round 2 myself as 'life' has other plans with me....
I will have an attempt at it again...I was just being a little sarcastic:)
I'm curious what everyone comes up with