A Kid's Perspective - An Exciting day in Portugal

in #kids6 years ago (edited)


Today was an exciting day, here in Avô, Portugal. I spent most of my day, with Yumi and Miko, my sister's 2 and 4 year old.

To be honest, a little more time with Miko. As he likes to go on what we call 'adventures' with me. For an example of such an adventure, you might want to read back my write up from 2 months ago:

Say Hello to my Little Friend - Miko (4)

Anyhow, today was quite an adventurous day for all of us. Mainly because there was an excavation taking place in my sister's garden. First a machine dug a meters deep hole, searching for a so called water mine. And - hours later - a big truck arrived, with rings of cement, that will be put in the waterhole to build a construction to hold the water and keep the earth from caving in.

Later, a pump will be installed, to pump the natural ( mountain ) water up and then later, towards the house. I might be sharing more updates on this process, but, looking back at the pictures that I had taken, I couldn't help noticing how exciting these kind of things must be for little kids. What little kid doesn't like machines?

It's All a Matter of Perspective

Funnily enough, earlier today, Miko and Yumi were fighting over a pair of binoculars. As is often the case with toys and other cool stuff, both of them wanted the thing at exactly the same time. Getting upset over the fact that the other one had the same idea.

For the umptieth time, without success, I explained to them that they should share and/ or wait for the other one to be ready, before it was their turn. In the end, both of them were allowed to sit on my shoulders and look through the binoculars at the amazing view from their huge garden, that is overlooking a river, down below and the terraced hills at the other side.


The binoculars appeared in a handful of pictures that I took. And - being a filmmaker and all - I couldn't help thinking about the concept of point of view and how kids see the world. I often need to remind myself, that looking at the world with the fresh look of a young kid, is one of the best things that you can do.

An hour before dinner, I took Miko out on an adventure. We filled his little backpack with two bottles ( that we later filled at a fountain ), a duplo boat and some fruit. Slowly we walked into the village and onto the water, to play with his boat. Miko walked on as much stone walls as he could, holding my hand, collecting sticks and listening to my teachings on nature.

In a way, all this reminds me of the walks I went on with my father and grandfather(s), when I was young. Spending quality time in the company of older and wiser men, that you look up to. These days, I'm that older man, but it doesn't stop me from being aware of the kid's perspective too.

Make sure you never lose a kid's perspective. These little creatures - that are way closer to nature than us adults - know how to 'live'.



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All pictures taken with my iPhone 6s in Avô, Portugal

very nice place and pics are outstanding

Sounds like fun! Walks in nature with my dad are some of my most cherished childhood memories.

I actually knew more of plants and trees as a kid than I do now. I didn't lose my birds and insect knowledge though. Cherish these memories :>)

Sounds and looks like a wonderful place!

Very cute children. In your area is beautiful.. A great story too

thank you :>)