I recently received a new Kindle as a gift. As the traditions of inheritance require, my old Kindle passed to my daughter, who recently synced it with my Amazon account. What follows are her highlights from A to Z Mysteries Super Edition 2: Mayflower Treasure Hunt (A to Z Mysteries: Super Edition series). A fine work of literature, to say the least.
“Clint’s mints are on the deck of the hold, next to that pile of mattresses,”
“I heard something fall last night when he threw down the rope ladder.”
Josh stopped in front of a small building. It had only one small window, with stout wooden bars. A man in dark clothing was standing in the doorway.
“Our first course is eel stew,” the man said. “May I serve you?” Josh’s face turned white. “Um, eels? You mean those slimy things that look like snakes?” he asked the waiter. The waiter nodded. “May I change to the regular menu?” Josh asked.
I asked if she found the secret message. She had no idea what I was talking about. So I talked about eel stew, instead. She thought I was crazy.
Your daughter seems like a lovely kid.