What you are about to see in this article is a combination of information collected from different researches that has been going on for years and even decades, away from the public's narrow views. This information is not the job of petty conspiracy theorists, but is a culmination of rigorous methodical studies done by some very bright and curious minds in the fields of archaeology, history and genetic studies and what we have as a result of this research is a truly mind boggling discovery. Before we start with the actual article, there are a number of less-popular concepts that we have to come to terms with for the sake of a better and clearer understanding of this topic :
KHAZARIA AND KHAZARS : This is a topic that is almost entirely left out of mainstream academia. The Kingdom of Khazaria as shown in this map was one of the most important areas from the point of view of historical importance, maybe more important than Jerusalem. The common belief is that, the inhabitants of this place are the ancestors of the modern white skinned Ashkenazim Jews also referred to as European Jews by some. But current studies show, the people of Khazaria, the Khazars, although white skinned are genetically distinct and different from the rest of the European population. History tells us that, this Khazars converted to Rabbinic Judaism for political purposes under King Bulan in the Eighth century. We also know that this group after the conversion Bred very rapidly, and in fact out bred the actual Semites such that in the present moment, 9 out of 10 Jews are Khazar Jews and only 1 is a Semitic Jew with genetic connection with Israel. That is part due to the fact that, these Khazars after conversion, started breeding with the rest of Europeans, spreading their gene all over Europe, similar to what the Huns did in Asia under Chengiz Khan, which is also very important as we will see soon.
These Khazar Jews exhibit Brachycephalic craniums as a natural characteristic, just like the Central Asian Mongoloids such as the Huns. Both these people, i.e. the Mongoloids and the Caucasoid khazarians exhibit an average IQ far higher than the rest of the world, the khazar IQ being the highest, which is evident from the fact that the top positions in academia, the scientific establishment, global finance, business and media is filled with these white Jews for which they have been accused of Nepotism and corruption. This high IQ theory is confirmed by history, as it is evident, these Khazars were very good with finance even in the 8th century. They had a monopoly on the water ways of that area and the merchants had to pay good revenue to the Khazarians, which made them very rich with which they were able to hinder the advancement of the Moslems from the south, which was quite a challenge at the time.
BRACHYCEPHALY : The left picture shows an infant with brachycephaly or flat head syndrome
Flat head syndrome is the name given to the condition when part of a baby's head becomes flattened due to continued pressure on one spot. Brachycephalic cranium is a condition where the head naturally look like a Brachycephalic cranium because of genetic reasons, seen in Khazars and Mongols.
The above photographs show Akhenatan's daughters with elongated heads. Such elongated heads have been found in multiple locations across the planet. These skulls can be seen in Peru museum and is accessible to the general population. After years of genetic studies by top western laboratories, It has been concluded that there are two types of elongated skulls: one that is smaller human skull that has been elongated by head binding practiced on infants,as it was seen as a sign of nobility. The other type of skull is much larger; the cranial cavity is up to 25% bigger than normal humans and show some really mind boggling anomalies that can potentially rewrite much of human history. The DNA REPORTS show the bigger skulls have mitochondrial DNA with mutations unknown and unseen in any insect, animal, bird, primate ! They are also 60% heavier than normal skulls which mean denser bones. Another thing that one will notice on seeing one of these skulls is that, the parietal suture is missing which is clearly genetic.
About this, I can only say, the recent studies by some brilliant Jewish Israeli Scholar prove beyond doubt that Akhenatan was Moses, who laid forth the 10 commandments to control the Hebrew ( Black and Arab Semites ). And obviously the Red Sea didn't part.
THE MARS HYPOTHESIS : A document called the Gore Report by scientists of S5 near Area 51, Nellis Airbase, talks about existence of humanoid fossils and mummies! on mars and that they were DNA tested and it matched with some people from the 'Skull and Bones' society, who have such tremendous power in the corporate world.
Another document that can be viewed by anyone on the CIA official website is a document talking about remote viewing MARS and that fact that mars had giants on it, technologically advanced humanoid giants and the document ends with the indication that these humanoids may be coming to Earth as refugees from a natural disaster that happened on mars.
Just to assure you that this article is not for the purpose of bamboozling people, I have chosen to present you the link of the document from the official CIA site rather than upload the document directly. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001900760001-9.pdf View the document quickly so that we can move on to more down to the earth topics.
SOCIETY OF JESUS ; The Jesuit Order was established by a confirmed pharaoh descendant, Ignatius Loyola.
Appearing as a religious society, The Jesuit Order is probably the most powerful organization in the World today, infiltrating the world of finance, politics and business. The Mormon Corporate Empire is probably also a part of this Jesuit Order. The Jesuit Order is neither a Christian organization, nor is it a Jewish organization. It is, and has been a Pharaonic Masonic organization with the sole objective if Infiltrating society
Very interestingly in 1858, Angelo Secchi, a Jesuit monk, draws Mars and calls Syrtis Major the "Atlantic Canal." He later writes that he was persuaded by the example of Earth that the "universe is a wonderful organism filled with life. And of course Scottish rite Free Masonry founded by the Jesuits after the destruction of 1776 Illuminati is also based on Judaism, Judaism for the Goyim, but not to be confused with the rabbinic Judaism which is but a tool for controlling the masses. The Jesuit Order is the precursor of today's CIA, used for the same purposes by the Pharaonic Elites. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelo_Secchi
There obviously exists a not so hidden group of Jews within the ashkenazi community who seem to be manipulating the entire community. This group are obviously Khazarian descendants of the Pharaohs, which explain the Rh- blood. The Ashkenazim aren't from Israel and obviously don't care about the Semitic Jews in Palestine and sub Saharan Villages, but are manipulating the ashkenazi community to bring forth the New World Order.
Which was proved when they funded Hitler to move the common Jewish men,women and children out of Europe and into the holy land of the Moslems to create a tension which will lead to the final social cataclysm. Then supplied nuclear materials to not only Israel but also to Iran, as evident from the Iran Contra case.
THE ILLUMINATI: A secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit Jew in 1776 which was immediately destroyed and re-founded as Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The Illuminati doesn't necessarily refer to this 1776 secret society, but can also be used to describe this hidden group of Rh- Khazarians who are descendants of the Pharaohs and follow Masonic Egyptian Judaism while identifying as rabbinic Jews, Catholics, Communists and even Liberals. Satanism and Luciferianism along with Christianity, all come under Judaism. See
this to get an idea of their spiritual beliefs.
very Good !!! There is soo much that is going on just below the surface of our so called
"modern civilization"
I hope this doesn't affect your night's sleep but here it is: https://www.geni.com/path/Jacob-Rothschild-4th-Baron-Rothschild+is+related+to+Ramses-II-The-Great-Pharaoh-of-Egypt?from=6000000010041954752&to=6000000000351094247
is your profile picture your own head? lol. hey greate write up too bad you didnt make any crypto on these posts. keep the knowledge flowing, and I will resteem your work.
no, it's from a man who is a Banker at the Bank of Spain and has very high IQ and is good with math