Is Saudi Arabia "Islamophobic"?

in #khashoggi6 years ago

Why is the American establishment so righteous about Khashoggi, the Muslim Brotherhood “journalist” who was killed in Turkey? He was a spy. Who wants President Trump to condemn Saudi Arabia, and why?

[Article with links and photos >>

Since their agents in CIA and FBI killed JFK, our country has been ruled by a cabal, elite satanists called the Illuminati. Some Saudis are complicit. In fact, a Saudi prince paid Obama’s college tuition. (Obama’s real name was Barack Hussein Soetoro and his family was in the CIA.)

In his eight years as POTUS, Obama opposed Israel’s wishes on significant occasions. His administration also overthrew Libya so the secular Gaddafi/Qaddafi was replaced by ISIS/Muslim Brotherhood mayhem. Meanwhile, the cabal was quietly installing Muslim Brotherhood members throughout our government, keeping them in line with the Awan spy ring. In the last election, Muslim Brotherhood (MB) agents gained strength in Michigan, Minnesota and other states where Islam is popular. Are they “sleeper cells” to establish a caliphate? Can the cabal have promoted Islam in African-American communities in order to hide seditious crimes under shrieks of “racism”? Or just “Islamophobia”?

Radical Islam is designed, like all extreme religions and cults, to subvert reason and foment hysteria. The gang/counter-gang paradigm creates the chaos where war profiteers and traffickers thrive. Sounds satanic, eh?

Had Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, the MB invasion scheme would have been easy.

Too many of US Congress’ secrets were captured and recorded by the Awan spy ring; that information would have been used to blackmail Congress into adopting crucial elements of Islam’s Sharia law. Incredible, yes, unless you’ve paid attention to “creeping Sharia.” With Clinton as president and her lapdog media screaming “Islamophobia,” ask yourself: how would we have stopped it? We don’t have children acculturated to strap explosives to their chests. But we can be terrorized by random bombs going off nationwide and have submitted to cabal false flags since before the World Trade Center.

President Trump’s focus on Iran further weakens the cabal’s scheme. He encourages moderate Muslims there. Trump is eroding the MB progress around the world with the help of Saudi Arabia. Many Saudi royals oppose the cabal. We may want to rethink our virtuous indignation about Saudi attacks on Yemen. Exactly WHO is trying to convince you of WHAT? Can you really recognize propaganda when you see it?

[NY Times lies about Islam]

Despite what CIA mouthpieces like Washington Post imply, Jamal Khashoggi wasn’t an American reporter (he didn’t even have a green card); he was an enforcer for the MB. The Muslim Brotherhood sacrificed one of their own, in a variation on their “suicide bomber” tradition. Khashoggi’s martyrdom was a CIA/Turkish intelligence/Muslim Brotherhood plan.

That’s why the mainstream media has been clamoring for Trump to break ties with Saudi Arabia.

The author is VC Bestor,
Director of the non-profit
a project encouraging women to engage constructively with apex predators.

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