Hi guys, I have couple of bugs in my mobile app, with my Samsung Note 3 (Android 5):
the "SAVINGS" is not showing entirely, and there is no scroll option to show it, so, when I click to open this option, I have no possibility to see the + and - or anything there, because, no scroll option on smaller screens. So please to add scroll if the screen is small. I have tested on other older phones, and the same problem on all of them. If the small screen, should be able to scroll the options (like in "TOKENS")
the "HISTORY" is showing just transactions from @earn.hive and nothing else there. No options what to show, filtering or anything. Please consider to check this and add some sorting-filtering options there.
not able to change the theme. In my new android phone Redmi Note 9 Pro, the theme is automatically dark, which is ok, but not able to change it, if I want. And on my older Samsung Note 3, is white, which, again, not be able to change it. So please to add this options too.
Then, if we would bring the app to the masses with not so much experiences, we should have options like this bitcoin wallet:
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.schildbach.wallet, where you can add amount to pay or to request in many fiat currency's, and the app generate an QR code, if the persons are in person meet, it is really easy to transact in this way. Let's imagine, we go to the market, and the market accept Hive, and we will buy something. How easy would be, if we have this options too, like in this Bitcoin wallet in this link. I known, this bitcoin wallet is not the best, and there are others, much better, but just for example what I mean.
Thank you @stoodkev , @nateaguila , @yabapmatt , @aggroed and @cedricguillas for creating amazing Wallet App, and I hope, we will have the best one on the market, and bring it to the masses with easy to use functions.
So, great job, keep it that way.
Regards from Serbia.
Hi, just saw you message now, sorry for the delay.
About the savings, I ll fix it asap.
About the history, no, it's showing any transfer in history. We might add filters and sorting in the future.
No plan to add different themes in the foreseeable future. Maybe later when all the core features are ready.
QR code for transfers and operations is something we will definitely work on after we finish the current HAS implementation.