Introducing Keto Keuhn Nutrition

in #keto7 years ago (edited)

~Why I Created this Entry~
For a few months now I have been watching Keto Savage on YouTube and loved the content he was putting out. While watching older videos of his I stumbled on one titled 2017 Manifesto. He was stating his intent for 2017 and just by watching it made me more inspired and motivated myself in life. Then, of course, he made a 2018 manifesto. His 2017 video has become my go-to video to motivated me if and when I need it again and to light a fire in myself.

With Keto Savage’s video, it inspired me to make this writing below. This write up started out as a 2017 year in review but it became so much more. Read on to get more insight into who I am.

~The start of Keto Keuhn Nutrition~
2017 was the year I started Keto Keuhn Nutrition. However, the seed started much before this. It goes all the way back to being a kid. When people asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said to be a teacher, even though I was a shy kid. I knew that I wanted to help and teach people though.

When I was finished with high school I went to college and got a Psychology degree because nothing else made sense for me to do. I wanted a job that I loved where I could help others and thought counseling would be great. However, I didn’t want to get my masters so I could counsel. Getting my masters meant that I would have to do research and I didn’t like that type of work. Looking back now, I see that being a counselor wasn’t that important to me as I didn’t want to put in the work.

Come learn how Keto Keuhn Nutrition came to be and why you might care. Learn more about who I am as a person and goals for 2018. Keto Keuhn Nutrition is a food blog that helps others in their keto way of life journey.
2008 Graduation with my sister

I take back what I said about nothing else other than the psychology degree made sense. I did look at kinesiology as I enjoyed fitness and health. Yet, again I didn’t want to put in the hard work I would have to do for some of the classes I would have to take. (There is irony in this comment/thought process I once had. Keep reading to learn why. )

Skip ahead 1-2 years later, I’m back in school because I found myself at a job that I HATED. The thought of going back to school to be a nutritionist or an RD, a Registered Dietitian, was a thought I’d played with. I could learn more about nutrition and counsel people without needing to get my masters. By always loving nutrition and given great nutrition growing up (even if it was low fat. Haha), I thought this would be a great new career path. Growing up and even back in 2004 when I first went to college, I was always a hard worker and great student. Yet, looking back at my degree choices, I wanted the easy way out. I’m sure paying for it now with expenses.

Come learn how Keto Keuhn Nutrition came to be and why you might care. Learn more about who I am as a person and goals for 2018. Keto Keuhn Nutrition is a food blog that helps others in their keto way of life journey.
2015 Graduation with my husband

In 2015 I graduated from the University of Wisconsin Green Bay with a degree in Human Biology and emphasis in Dietetics. I was informed that I could get a counseling job without having to do the RD internship (I would have to pay for this internship). Knowing that my husband wanted to go back to college for what he loved, I didn’t want to take more time away from his dream, when I didn’t 100% need the RD credential to do what I wanted.

~Dream Job?~
After a good few months, I found a job that I thought I would love. In the end, it didn’t work out and I was back to working full time delivering pizza. I had started working at a pizza place while in college.

One thing I didn’t mention with my most recent degree is that I was able to take a credential exam to get my DTR. A DTR is a Dietetic Technician Registered. Having this credential would have helped me get a job in the field.

We are back to 2017 and I made the decision to take that damn DTR exam. I had played with the idea before and did some studying for it, yet I never set a date to take it. The set date was on August 5th. There was no turning back!

July came and I landed a new job that I would hope to advance my career in a new way. The job was working in the food service department at a grocery store similar to Whole Foods and Trader Joes. I had the training and education to grow to be a manager of the department. Yet, I don’t want to be the head manager but an assistant or shift lead would be great. However, I still wanted to get that DTR credential though as it would also help in this current job to advance. Just a few weeks before my DTR exam, I was working this new job at 50-60 hours a week. My time was tight and studying was hard.

Hard work doesn’t scare me but the lack of time in the day had me worried. I even played with the idea of pushing the exam forward to give myself more time to study as I was behind in doing that. My great husband encouraged me to not push the exam. With his encouragement, I stayed the course and worked my butt off. The candle was lit! I stayed up late and got up early to study for my job. Wasting money and having to take this exam again was not an option.

Come learn how Keto Keuhn Nutrition came to be and why you might care. Learn more about who I am as a person and goals for 2018. Keto Keuhn Nutrition is a food blog that helps others in their keto way of life journey.

~Taking the DTR Exam~
August 5th came and I went in to take the exam with confidence. Then my confidence soon fell after a few questions. I had heard others say that they thought they were failing the exam while taking it. That was me. I 100% thought I had failed. To make it worse, I couldn’t just leave, I had to fill out democratic and other questions on the testing computer. Then a miracle happened that I did all by myself. After I submitted the questions, a new screen popped up and it said “Congratulations…” I had to look at it again and the good tears started falling. I was dumbfounded and oh so proud of myself. Putting in the work showed itself off.

Before driving home, I had to put myself together, so I could safely drive home. When I did get home, I couldn’t get the words out to tell my husband, as I was crying and my emotions were at an all-time high. He defiantly looked worried and all I could do was to hand him the paper that said I had passed. Shortly, his concern for me went to a very proud husband.

After passing this exam I was ready to work on Keto Keuhn Nutrition! Did you really think I forgot about my first sentence of this writing? :)

~The Future~
Going back to how I said: “2017 was the year I started Keto Keuhn Nutrition. However, the seed started much before this. It goes all the back to being a kid most likely.” Not only did I say that I wanted to be a teacher, I secretly wanted to be a stay at home mom, like my mom. I loved how she was always there for us during the day even when we were at school. I wanted that for my kids, even if it meant my future husband would stay home, it would be me or him.

~Could I do this?~
Creating Keto Keuhn Nutrition, I thought could be my thing where I could stay home and still generate income somehow. That thought is daunting, especially since I just typed it out now. Blogging is a lot of work and most people don’t see much revenue in the first year. I never had the idea of blogging before until 2017 and only thought of doing nutrition counseling on the side. Yet, by watching and making recipes from Keto Connect, it made me want to try blogging and put 100% into it.

After I left one of my jobs in 2015, my older sister mentioned to me that this is my time to really figure out what I wanted for my job and career. So, I made a list on my laptop. What I had on that list was this: Create things: publisher, crafts cooking. Help People. Create different food ideas as a job. I typed this out word for word. Keto Keuhn Nutrition fits this perfectly! Keto Keuhn Nutrition is my passion wrapped up into one.

Come learn how Keto Keuhn Nutrition came to be and why you might care. Learn more about who I am as a person and goals for 2018. Keto Keuhn Nutrition is a food blog that helps others in their keto way of life journey.
A menu I created for meal planning before keto.

~Taking the Plunge~
This site launched in November and for it being live for only about 3 months, I’m quite proud of it. I’m not expecting to make money anytime soon. What I do care about is that people are finding it and they can benefit from it. At the end of the day, I want to help people. I’ve said it before and I mean it. I wanted to be a teacher, so I could help. I got a psychology degree, so I could help people. I went back to school to get a nutrition degree, to help people. Finding the right job or place to help people in my career hasn’t been as simple for me, as it may be for others. I like to believe that Keto Keuhn Nutrition will be my calling and place to help others.

I didn’t know much about blogging or having a website. I needed to learn and I learned by using YouTube and reaching out sometimes to Keto Connect for small things. At least I think they were small. I didn’t want to bother them too much. I’m also the person that wants to do things perfectly and have them look amazing before I put myself out there to the world. By having this mentality, things take longer. I remember listening to a podcast on Keto for Normies with Keto Savage and Robert mentioned something along the lines of that he just started putting content out there even if it wasn’t perfect. That one or few sentences stuck with me. Keto Connect would always say something to the effect of to just put content out and learn as you go.

When I started to put content out, I didn’t have others proofread it and the only Photoshop practice I had was back in high school. This was content from a person who ALWAYS had her papers edited by other people for college and someone who has dyslexia and dysgraphia. Creating those beautiful Pinterest photos and photo design layouts were something new to me. I had to learn. I started out using one thing and then discovered and my whole world changed. The point is that I was putting out content that wasn’t my best work. I’d like to think that Keto Connect and Keto Savage helped me overcome a fear I once had and am better for it. Sure, it’s still not perfect, but it’s improving and it’s helping others.

~Goals for 2018~

Come learn how Keto Keuhn Nutrition came to be and why you might care. Learn more about who I am as a person and goals for 2018. Keto Keuhn Nutrition is a food blog that helps others in their keto way of life journey.

I have been humbled so far from 2017 with the people subscribing to my blog, outside the newsletter. [A little secret: I have the form to sign up for the newsletter but haven’t written one yet and I’m still learning how to do it. Ha.] I’m even humbled by my IG followers. It’s under 200, but I’m still thrilled and still get giddy with every new follower. I love how I’m able to help these people in any way I can.

Sharing my goals to hold myself accountable for the new year.

-Two blog posts a week
-One to be a keto meal plan
-Another to be a keto recipe
-Even if I’m busy and feel like I have no time to work on Keto Keuhn Nutrition, I’ll spend at least 10 minutes on it for that day.
-Before my 33rd (Crap I’m old.) birthday in February, I will have already started to work out again, even if it means 5 or 10 minutes a day. I loved working out and I miss it.
-Build and work on my relationships with the keto community and outside of the keto community
-Speaking of which. I have collaborated with Red Dietitians on their blog post about keto. Go check out that blog post here.


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