Why people chose Keto

in #keto7 years ago

People got overweight because they made bad choices .... I’m not going to try and claim that if you are making a last minute choice to eat a low fat salad at a fast food restaurant is good ... you have to stop making bad choices and you have to prepare your day if you want to succeed. Keto isn’t like other diets... it’s to be followed a certain way.. no cheat meals. Ketosis doesn’t work on cheat meals ... eating bad foods isn’t an alternative .... it’s a mistake... and people need to hear the truth. It’s not that I’m not supportive... I’m being honest with them. McDonalds is not Keto... the meat is a mystery.. the chicken is lean... the food is all fried in oil that’s NOT Keto ..... nothing in those places are Keto.... sorry if it seems harsh but it’s the truth


McDonalds can be keto if necessary. Don't get me wrong, I don't eat there but if I was in a pinch and needed to eat something quick and I wasn't at home to prepare a meal, I could find something on their menu that would work. You are correct though, their meat is a mystery and their chicken is lean but it can hold you over until you can get some proper food.