HKN ( hari kesehatan nasional ) ke 53

in #kesehatan7 years ago (edited)

Hari kesehatan nasional jatuh pd tggl 12 november, alhamdulilah hr ni di adakan di akkes lhoksemawe
yg dimulai dengan senam sehat, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan gerak jalan sehat dan bermacam perlombaan diantaranya bola voli, tarik tambang, lomba senam cuci tangan dlln

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Nice we are in peace

Ini bagus postingnya dan sudah kami upvote yah..

Its an important event ..the health awareness activities are some of the way to expose and to get connect to the society to improve their life in being healthy.

Its an important event ..the health awareness activities are some of the way to expose and to get connect to the society to improve their life in being healthy.