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RE: After the flood - Kerala 2018

in #kerala7 years ago

From a friend:

What a single flood has done to Kerala is; wash away all the perspectives and divisiveness from our eyes. Perspectives and assumptions we had of each community and caste and class and gender.
Overnight, our Fishermen turned into our strongest armed force. The Kudumbasree, who were only "Garbage people" aided us with 7 crore rupees and an army that marched in with their boots and gloves and cleaned out our houses better than we did.
The house painter who tranferred the deeds of his 4 cent property and house to a family he had never seen or heard of ever in his life.
The truck drivers that ran nonstop through the waters and roads transferring people and goods. Not a penny taken.
The 60,000 volunteers that turned up at Alappuzha when the Government called for a clean up mission. From ministers to Students; Bureaucrats to Farmers.
The 15 year old and his sister who gave away their 1 acre land towards Relief funding.
The many many marriages that were cancelled; to transfer their wedding allowances to the relief fund. The Register offices that rose up to the occassion throughout the floods :)
The gold ornaments that were taken off and passed on to make lives better.
The team that travelled from Kasargode to Kochi to clean the schools, because "schools HAD to open next week."
The Khalasis and Engineers and Electricians who came from Tamil Nadu to help repair a 5 km rail line in 30 hours!
The calls and messages and echoes that resonate when there is a "Listen, we need some help" SOS (From building houses to buying spoons for absolute strangers)
IT'ians and Students forever on the research of how-to-make-it-better and easier at everything...
The teachers and their darlings that redid and rewrote and made available all the class notes and study materials in a day! So ready for Back to School!
That man who sat in his wheel chair every day and came to the camp to make chappathis.
The aged that came looking for the collector to hand over their Old Age Pension towards the CMDRF.

For every hate story we hear, for every politically charged statement made. We have 100 answers for each of those stories in these. That is the strongest boat we are sailing in these days.