🎤 Karaoke 🏆 Week 39 Winners and an Announcement

The Karaoke Contest is being discontinued. There just isn't near enough support for it to go on. I ran a test this week to see if it could be self-sufficient and it failed miserably. The interest has steadily decreased over the past few months and it is just too much effort with so little support after being here for so long. Sad truth, I'm sorry. But, a new musical contest will be initiated next week and we'll see how that goes. Was fun people. 1st place @ilazramusic. 2nd place @gabrielamenesesg. 3rd place @giselemusic. Your winnings will be sent out next week.


Oh it's a big shame that this contest was suspended, I loved it, I would have liked to participate and I was about to do it twice, I hope that to be kept. If anything serves I can support with my little vote!

Thank u soooo much! But I'm so sad that this contest is over:c

Well thank you for everything, so sad to see this over.

Thank you so much for this! i feel really sad right now because this was one of my favorites contest on Steemit, but well, that's part of the life, waiting for the new contest, you can count on me for everything, good vibes and blessings always @killlerwhale!

Así como cuando @ilazramusic gana el karaokecontest, brother estás partiendo demasiado en Steemit, otra vez felicidades por otro logro mas hermano.

Gracias rey jajaja lástima que eliminaron el concurso :C pero bueno, al menos lo pude ganar antes de que dejara de salir, poco a poco partiéndola mi bro jajaja hay que ganar currículum

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nooo how sad ...

So sad! It was only my second time :(

I am a new follower! I hope more karaoke...

Oh, never had the chance to try. Thanks for being honest, because it is important for the people who follows an iniciative to know when it doesn't work anymore. Moving on is so important! Congrats anyways.

Noooooooooo!! :S well but "But, a new musical contest will be initiated next week and we'll see how that goes" :)

Ojalá ;( yo ultimamente no tenia tiempo de participar, pero este era uno de mis concursos favoritos tambien u.u

Esta noticia me da mucha tristeza que mal de verdad que esto haya pasado =-(

well, thanks for the laegrias given to so many .. but nevertheless I believe that huo failures in the selections of winners .. many times we saw how the winners repeated themselves from one week to another and many people with much better presentasiones were simply discarded, and that is in my opinion one of the fundamental causes of the devacle and loss of interest ..

I'm just seeing this now. I'm so sorry to see it go :(